Chance Me!


Hey was thinking about applying ED to columbia and just want general thoughts/advice for my app!

I’m a rising senior in a large public school in southern CA. I’m also applying test optional.
im thinking of majoring in microbiology and epidemiology.

ap world history, ap us history, ap gov, ap econ, ap psych, ap calc ab, ap calc bc, ap stat, ap physics 1, ap bio, ap env science, ap spanish lang, ap lang & comp, ap literature

UW: 3.9
W: 4.5

dont want to share all of my ecs bc theres kind of a lot but id say the biggest ones revolve around mentorship and social justice education. i also do speech and debate at my hs which i have many state/national awards in. i play the saxophone and will be submitting a music portfolio that has unique songs that reflect my personality/fit my app well.

im also currently working in a columbia professor’s biology research lab for the past year with other undergrad/graduate students. she agreed to write me a LOR for my early app so she can also speak to my interest in the school + subject.

Your odds are (much?) better than average but as you know, it still means likelihood of rejection…

I agree - you are solid but the TO thing can’t help.

With a school like Columbia, it’s a crapshoot and not to the good. Maybe ED will help. Unfortunately, being from California won’t because they’ll have a ton from there.

If you are submitting music, are you looking to play or be in a band of some sort - where this will help?

If that’s your dream school and you don’t need any aid, then you’re definitely within range. It’s just a question of, out of the million like you, which they go with.

Since you say you’re thinking about it, have you discussed with your parents - the financial implications - because you’ll get a lot of money at a lot of other places for merit and if you are looking to grad school and I assume you are, maybe spending $320K over four years isn’t a path you want to pursue.

You didn’t ask about finance so i’m overstepping - but I’m amazed at how many kids don’t have that discussion with their parents and need to.

Good luck.

Are you male or female?

MYOS1634 I ask this with total respect as I really appreciate your commentary and expertise.

Why did you think better than average with TO, no class rank and no detail about ECs?

Again please know I am not challenging just trying to see what I am missing.

OP don’t get me wrong you have a very strong GPA and academic history, and sounds like you are a very engaged student. I would suspect that gets you a thorough read but the devil is in the details at a school like Columbia I would have thought. Perhaps your work with a prof puts you over.

Regardless it absolutely seems worth your ED (given the personal contact) assuming your class rank is near top.

Just reread and edited…better then average seems on point. Sorry!

3.9 UW with 14 AP’s including 9 core ones in all 5 core subjects (important for university with “core” curriculum) + work with Columbia professor + debate team with national awards + music supplement+ED.
Class rank doesn’t really matter because that student is a straight-A student in the most rigorous curriculum available at a strong high school (as per the number of AP’s offered + likely location), thus clearly meets academic criteria for “will they be able to do well here”; they can contribute to the college community and have enough intellectual engagement as shown through EC’s, clear “interest” for what Columbia itself offers from “working” there (v. “NYC+Ivy”), a personal tie to the university. No boost for geographic diversity but since the vast majority attend college within 400 miles still better odds than being from NE+MidAtlantic. So, all in all, “better than average”, perhaps “much better”.
Above average would be about 10-12% probability, perhaps higher due to other criteria, ie., overwhelming likelihood of rejection, but much better than 5-6%.

So, @cphud needs to prepare UC and CSU applications carefully, as well as some good EA/rolling admission applications. If Columbia comes through, then it’s easy to let all other universities know you’re withdrawing your application, rather than having to scramble over Christmas Break to get some apps together for Jan 1 or Jan 15.

Columbia is need-blind/meet-need so whether the student needs financial aid is immaterial. @cphud: have you run the NPC with your parents and have they said they could afford the “net cost” they saw?



How does a public HS student in southern California work in a Columbia prof’s research lab in NYC for the last year?

more context: my school doesnt do class rank but my guidance counselor can definitely vouch for my top 1%-2% of my class

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virtual lab work- lots of data, technical lab research analyses

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I really don’t have a strong handle on how applying TO is impacting any individual applicant’s chances at the most highly selective schools.

That being said, you have an impressive list of AP classes. Have you also taken the exams? A bunch of 5s would certainly help your chances.

Have you taken a look at C’s core curriculum requirements? My son had taken a number of undergrad and grad math classes at C while in HS. He was very impressed with the Columbia profs and campus, but found the core to limit his course selection and so ended up at Yale.

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