<p>Applying to Emerson and Fordham EA. Emerson 1st choice.</p>
<p>GPA (unweighted): 85.3875 3.2 on a 4.0 scale<br>
ACT with writing: 30 Composite (35 English, 32 Reading, 28 Science, 26 Math)
AP English Language Exam: 5
AP US History Exam: 3
Taken 10 AP/honors classes over 4 years</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities/Special Interests:
Student at Summer Challenge Term at Boston University<br>
(Took college-level classes in Creative and Persuasive Writing. 2 weeks long.)
Intern at Birmingham Weekly newspaper
Intern for Skybucket Records
Young Democrats throughout high school career
Debate team-Public Forum in 11th grade
Staff writer for school newspaper
Latin Club "Adviser"
DJ for local radio station
Music writer for online publication (<a href="http://www.supmag.com%5B/url%5D">www.supmag.com</a>)</p>
<p>Work experience: Runner at dad's law firm, bag boy at Publix grocery store, clerk at iSoldit on eBay</p>
<p>Special circumstances: had interview with Emerson admissions rep for my region, he will most likely read my app, he really liked me and said he wanted to see me go to the school, he said he will fight for me to go there.
I think my essays have turned out to be pretty good and my recs should be pretty solid too.</p>