Chance me??

<p>I was just wondering what my chances are of getting into the following schools with these stat's. </p>

<p>I am currently attending Suny Albany and I have decided to take the spring semester off in my third year.<br>
Overall GPA- 3.4 </p>

<p>1st semester- 2.5 (family related issue is the reason for the low score)
2nd semester- 3.94 (A,A,A,A,A-)
3rd semester- 3.75 (A,A,A,B)
4th semester- 3.5 (A,A,A,C)
5th semester- 3.2 (A,B,B,B) </p>

<p>I did not list my high school GPA, or my sat's because although I was going to send them, my advisor said that they would not be regarded do to the amount of credits I have accumulated. I am currently a member of nscs (National society of collegian scholars) and have made deans list 3 times. My first semester really brought down my cumulative GPA, but I feel that the reason for the slump will be understood when I explain the reason for the grades in my essay. What do you think my chances of acceptance are to the following Universities?</p>

<p>Boston University
Penn State
Suny Stony Brook</p>

<p>Also, any other school recommendations around those areas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks….</p>

<p>the first three schools look to be matches, suny stony brook is probably a safety</p>

<p>Nice, ill gladly take those odds… any other schools that i should consider in that region and academic level? Also, the more opinions on chancing the better. Thanks for your opinion</p>
