Chance me?

<p>I am a white female at a Fairfax County High School, going into my senior year.</p>

<p>SAT: (taken one time only)
Critical Reading 660 91%
Math 780 99%
Writing 750 99%
Multiple Choice 76 (score range: 20-80)<br>
Essay 9 (score range: 2-12) </p>

<p>GPA: 3.84 weighted (This will be higher next year due to the increased, retroactive weighting system of +.5 for honors and +1 for AP's)
I heard that some schools unweight the GPA AND take out non-academic courses, so I calculated this: about a 3.6.</p>

<p>AP's: Junior- AP Lang, AP US History
Next Year- AP Lit, AP Spanish (Next year will be my 5th year of foreign language), BC Calc, AP Gov</p>

<p>Honors: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Precalc, Biology, Chemistry. Also Pre-AP Eng. 9 & 10, Pre-AP World History I & II.</p>

<p>NHS since 10th grade, Math Honor Society since 10th grade, International Thespian Society since 10th grade
1 year Freshman Field Hockey, 1 year JV Field Hockey, and Multiple Plays/Musicals with the Drama Department all 4 years.</p>

<p>Next year I will be secretary of the Thespian Society.</p>

<p>I have about 40 hours with NHS and 40 hours with the Math Honor Society. (community service)</p>

<p>Certainly looks good to me. Keep up the good work your senior year. Which school are you interested in?</p>

<p>I’m looking College of Liberal Arts (Spanish or Journalism) and Human Sciences or the College of Science (Math.) Opposite ends of the spectrum, and I really can’t make up my mind where to apply. Math is probably a lot harder to get into, though :
Is the honors porgram within reach?</p>

<p>You seem like a shoo-in to me. If you feel like doing a little digging, go to the individual colleges and look for the breakdown of majors to see which are more popular. I can’t remember exactly the criteria for Honors, I want to say 3.5 gpa and at least a 1350 on the M/CR SAT scores. Never mind, here it is from the website:</p>

<p>Entering freshmen are invited to apply to University Honors if:</p>

<p>their unweighted high school GPA is at least a 3.50 and the SAT I score is a 1400 (minimums: 620 Critical Reading, 600 Math) or above; or if
their unweighted high school GPA is at least a 3.70 with an SAT I score of 1300-1399 (minimums: 620 Critical Reading, 600 Math).</p>

<p>They do go on to say this is not a measure of admissions, just for those admitted to be considered for Honors.</p>