<p>I'd like your opinions please. I have a feeling it might sting a bit, but let's get real here. My tier 1 and 2 schools are Harvard, Stanford, Brown and Emory. I want to become a medical researcher (Md/Phd?), though I'd also like to be able to study literature and history a little.</p>
<p>I'm a Senior, and I'm Taiwanese. Uhh... my school is ranked pretty high (top 20) in US News and World.</p>
<p>Tests n' Stuff:
National Merit Semi-Finalist</p>
<p>AP: (scholar with distinction)
Human Geography
US Government and Politics
English III
US History
Calculus BC
Biology II
Environmental Science
Physics C
World History
Chemistry II
English IV</p>
<p>School Stuff:
GPA: 4.29 (I have no idea what it is unweighted, we go 4.4=H, 4.44=G, 4.48=AP)
Class Rank: Hopefully somewhere in top 10 still.</p>
<p>Mu Alpha Theta Vice President (10-11)
Orchestra Treasurer (09-10)
Orchestra Vice President (10-11)
Science Olympiad President (10-11)
National Honor Society Member
Peer Assistance Team Member
Key Club Member
Film Club Member</p>
<p>Work/ Volunteer:
Habitat for Humanity</p>
<p>^ Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Anyways, in my opinion, you’re in for Emory, decent chance at Stanford, almost decent chance at Brown, and I doubt you’re getting into Harvard, but hey, that’s just me. Take your chances if you want, and perhaps you’ll soar.</p>
<p>SAT Math is really difficult for me. I can do calculus and enjoy complex problems, but SAT math is just so boring and long that I end up making mistakes.</p>
<p>Haha, I was only joking. All your stats are great, but it’s Harvard, so no one can ever say they have a good chance. Nothing here says you can’t get in, so you have as good a shot as any. Good luck to you!</p>
<p>I think you will definitely get into Emory and Brown, you have a good chance for Stanford and i think if you get the extra 50 points on the SAT you will have a good chance to get into Harvard, but you never know</p>
<p>@whatsgood: My school offers AP Geography in Freshman year, and AP Gov in Sophomore year, with honors alternatives to each one. </p>
<p>In Junior year, we’re allowed to diversify. I chose to take AP Bio (it was a 2-block class, but very worth it), English III, Stats and Calc BC (I was accelerated in math, though I’m not that good at it). </p>
<p>Finally, I figured I’d finish off the sciences (APES, Chem, Physics) this year, with Physics substituting as my math requirement because I do not have time to take a college math class after finishing the math curriculum. I chose WHAP over Euro, and jumped for AP English IV. Oh, and I take Psych, which I forgot to list.</p>
What I’m worried about is I did kind of badly first semester Junior year-- I was working on a research project, and it ate up so much time that I got a C in Spanish which I was never really good at, and I slipped a couple B’s. I made up for it with all A’s second semester, but it kind of hurts me either way.</p>
<p>I’m glad that the general consensus is that I have a decent shot at Stanford. :)</p>
<p>i think for harvard, stanford and brown, your essays will be critical in making you stand out because, otherwise, you’re in the gray with sooooo many other applicants-- your stats will get you considered but there’s no telling for admission</p>
<p>i have actually written a ridiculous amount of essays-- i think i have 6. my topics so far are:</p>
<li>family pets in east/west cultures</li>
<li>coffee vs tea, and life</li>
<li>minorities and affirmative action</li>
<li>hurricane katrina</li>
<li>cal newport (dave vs steve)</li>
<p>but i need to choose one ( i have drafts) and polish it.</p>
<p>plus, i got my recommendations. both are phd’s, and taught me in ap level classes junior year. i got A’s in both, and a 4 and 5 respectively on the AP exams. </p>
<p>my first is from my english iii ap teacher-- she’s the gifted coordinator for our school, and is considered among the top 3 most difficult teachers. we have witty chats when i visit her. her recommendations are considered gold. (and i think she might even write unique ones for every college i apply to)</p>
<p>my second on is from ap bio teacher-- apparently, her average ap score is the highest in our region or something. the class was, needless to say, insanely hard. i also did my independent research project while in her class. b/c of the way the class worked, double block, plus staying afterschool and some weekends for mock ap exams and extra credit, i spent quite a bit of time with her.</p>
<p>i dont know how my counselor rec will turn out though. i know my AC is good, but she wrote it the day i sent her my resume and self/peer/parent evals, haha.</p>
<p>the actual list is quite long, but i didnt feel like posting it. here’s a copypasta of what ive bothered to put on naviance-- haven’t updated that for a looong time.</p>
<p>Biological Science Aid: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service: Southern Regional Research Center</p>
<p>Tulane Science Scholars Program: The Discovery of Time
Tulane Science Scholars Program: Drug Effects on the Behavior of Rats</p>
<p>ATDP UC Berkely 2600.6: The Writing Process
Advance Program for Young Scholars: Biology
Benjamin Franklin High School</p>
<p>Student Volunteer: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service: Southern Regional Research Center
Student Volunteer: Louisiana Democratic Party
Student Volunteer: Habitat for Humanity</p>
<p>Mu Alpha Theta
School Orchestra
Science Olympiad
Peer Assistance Team
National Honor Society
LMEA Allstate Orchestra
Academic Games</p>
<p>AP Scholar with Distinction
Naval Science Award (regional)
Kenyon College Presidential Book Award
Mu Alpha Theta Service Award
U.S. Government and Politics, Best in Class
English I, Best in Class
Biology I, Best in Class
Chemistry I, Best in Class</p>
<p>Chemistry Literary Rally
Human Geography Literary Rally
English I Literary Rally</p>