Chance my son (Rising Senior) to CalTech/Stanford/UCs/Cal Poly SLO [CS or ME] [attending UCB as EECS major]

$34K at Miami - strong kid. If he wants to stay close to home, nothing wrong with Arizona - fine school with a tremendous Honors dorm (don’t know about the college itself but the dorm is magnificent.

His hard work has paid off even if all else fails. Congrats to him.


He was not selected for Johnson Scholarship at W&L which will narrow his choices to AZ and CA.


Thanks for the update about W&L; I am sure there’s some disappointment, but if he was wanting to stay closer to home, then it may have turned out for the best that he didn’t have a shiny lure making him want to choose something he didn’t actually want (i.e. to be thousands of miles away from home).

U. of Arizona and the California schools are terrific options!


There’s no disappointment about W&L, he did feel a little bad about Stanford though. I did prepare him well for that by showing how difficult Stanford is for anyone.

Good news is he got into San Jose State University (SJSU) for Computer Science. Got email last night and checked his portal.


Good news. Does SJSU bump Pomona out of the running?

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He doesn’t speak much about his preferences, but I know he likes Cal Poly SLO and Berkeley.

We are planning visits to all admitted colleges(in-state) and I think he will finalize his choice then.

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SJSU CS is legit. Congrats! and good luck with the rest of the apps.


When S was shopping around we toured SJSU and Cal. We liked SJSU and like someone posted it’s a legit CS possibility. Cal has a very strong program but was very far from being a fit for our S. While we did not try to influence our S we breathed a sigh of relief when he did not accept admission at Cal.

Currently, he works with several Cal grads .

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Any new updates? Where is he currently leaning?

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Waiting for UC decisions. University of Pittsburg is ruled out as they gave 8k per year merit scholarship.

Sanjose State is top now.


The $8K as Pitt - take that as a badge of honor. Not easy to get aid from Pitt!!


ucsc results are out now

He did not apply to UCSC. He applied to UCB, UCD, UCLA, UC Merced, UCSD and Cal Poly SLO.

Hope one of those UCs will post their decisions soon.


Son got in Merced for CS & Engineering. Happy as he got his 1st UC decision.


He got admission to CS at Ross Hulman Institute of Technology. His merit aid is $25000 which will eliminate it from a cost perspective(cost is 76000$/year).


Son got admission to Computer Engineering at UC Davis.


Son got into Cal Poly SLO(his dream college) for Computer Science. Double good news with US Davis and Cal Poly admissions today.


I saw that on the SLO board. Congratulations! So is it decided?

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We are visiting SLO for admitted students day. If he gets into Berkeley, it will be one of the two.

Also, need to check financial aid offers.