Chance of Acceptance?

Applied as TRANSFER student for Spring 2017. Wisconsin resident. English is my second language.

Unweighted GPA: 3.76
Valedictorian Speaker
National Honor Society 2 years
Tennis Club 2 years
Soccer Club 1 year
ACT: 21 ( I know the score is low. I spoke to Admission office, they said I don’t need to retake it because I apply as a transfer student)

Post Highschool:
United State Air Force (currently working with the Air National Guard in Madison)
Distinguished Graduated from Supply Technical School at Lackland AFB
Went to Southwestern Illinois College and Community College of Air Force, GPA: 4.0 with 62 credits
2 years Secretary of Squadron Junior Enlisted Group
Lead 2 fundraising events for the group and 2 volunteer events for St. Louis community
5 letters of recommendation ( 2 from professors)

I took a long time to develop my 2 written statement essays. They were corrected and proofread by both of my English teacher and Speech teacher. Well developed essays with true statements about myself, why I choose UW Madison, my goals, my major and research, my extracurriculars, my impacts, my contribution, etc.

I heard from the UW-Madison Veteran Office staff that it is little bit easier for transfer applicant to get in. He said that my package is strong enough to get accepted but I still concern. Please let me know what you all think.

Thank you!

You sound like a strong candidate. Good luck. Your post HS record certainly means a lot more than the old HS test score.

Thank you so much for your comment! One of my friends from Madison said that it is easier for in state transfer student