Chance of Admissions

<p>I am a Junior living in Virginia. My dad went to UVA, but I was hoping to gain some freedom, and attending U of M seemed the perfect solution. My grades are perfect, straight a's, around 3.95 U.W 4.23 W, toughest courses, gifted program, play three sports, in many clubs such as NHS, BETA, etc. However, my SAT scores were not as high as I wanted them to be. I am taking them again, along with the ACT, but just going by these qualities that I provided, what do you think my chances of gaining admittance are? (I plan on applying to the college of arts and sciences to gain my degree in political science)</p>

<p>apply EA, you'll be fine (with merit $$ to sweeten the deal), you haven't mentioned your SAT/ACT but shoot for above 1350/2100/31 for the $$$......</p>

<p>DO NOT wait until RD though....merit $$ will be gone....</p>