Chance of attending VT in 2012?

<p>Hi, I am currently in high school as a junior and am interested in attending Virginia Tech as my first choice.</p>

<p>GPA - 3.844 (after junior year it should be 4.0x +)
SAT - Haven't taken any yet... planning on taking the one in May. Practice tests score me at around 1800-1900.
SAT II - Haven't taken any yet... planning on taking Math 2, US History, and Spanish but I don't know where I'm going to find time to do so if I need to retake my SATs.
ACT - Planning on taking this too
ECs - National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Social Studies Honor Society, Key Club, Music Honor Society (Tri-M), Red Cross Club... no leadership positions
APs - World History, US History, Language and Composition (Eng. 11), Psychology, Computer Science A, Spanish, Literature, Government, Calculus BC, Environmental Science.
Location - NoVa (high school is very competitive. friends have 4.1+ GPAs)
Ethnicity - Asian</p>

<p>As for my major... I haven't declared anything yet but I'm interested in Computer Science.</p>

<p>I know it's hard to say because I have no SAT score, but lets say I scored around 1800?</p>

<p>NoVA is extremely competitive as you know. You will need to completely rock the SAT to be eligible for admission. I saw a kid with as many APs as you have, a higher GPA, and like a 2000+ on the SAT get waitlisted at VT. He was also from NoVa. You can find his post on here: Look for the topic: Why was I waitlisted?</p>

<p>I would say to study your butt off for the SAT and shoot for 2000+, especially if you are trying for engineering. Also get that GPA up. A 3.8 isn’t bad, but I would say a 4.1-4.3 GPA is common for VT applicants from NoVa. Not to mention SAT subscores of 700. </p>

<p>Ignoring your NoVa status, I would say you have a fairly decent shot. With NoVa status, you still have a shot, but unless your SAT is 1900-2000 range and your GPA goes up over 4.0 I would say it is a reach.</p>

<p>It is all up to VT admissions though.</p>

<p>Best of Luck.</p>