Chance of getting into a UC?

<p>I know the new GPA requirement for UCs is at least a 3.0.
I have a 2.96 and its very close to a 3.0. Do I have any chance at a UC??</p>

<p>Are you a California Resident? What are your SAT and SAT IIs? Are you UC Eligible? (I believe there is some sort of algorithm on the UC website that will determine if you are UC eligible; if you are UC Eligible And a resident of California, then you are guranteed admission to at least one of the UCs.)</p>

<p>Edit: I believe this is the link. "Eligibility in the Statewide Context" is what you want to be looking at.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB/UCLA: Super Reach
UCSD: Super Reach
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Slight Reach</p>