Chance psychology

<p>Doing this for DD.</p>

<p>1200 out of 1600 SAT (600 M 600 CR)
3.69 uw
4.13 or 4.17 w (can't remember off the top of my head)</p>

<p>Cambridge program (ICSCE)
4 APs (USH, Gov, Lit, Psych)
NHS, 10,11
FHS, 11, and should be 12
Young Life, 9-11
Equestrian 8 yrs
CYO Board member 9-11
Soup kitchen volunteer 8-11
Work 2 yrs</p>

<p>OOS or IS? Probably accepted IMO, really good chance if uw gpa increases to 3.8 and sat is 80 to 100 points higher.</p>

<p>IS, her w just got re-done from a transferring issue from a hs in NC(they had a different weight system, plus we changed our w system), so she is now over a 4.25 w, with all Honors, APs and IBs, only PE is her std non-weighted course.</p>

<p>The GPA is absolutely fine, don’t worry about that much. Bumping the SAT 100 points or so would probably make a big difference though. You should have her take the ACT as well, since some people do better on one than the other and VT will take either.</p>