Chance RD Stern

<p>Any feedback will be appreciated
Total 2190
SAT I: CR 710
Math: 740
WR: 740 (11 essay)
SAT: Math 1: 800
Math 2: 750
Chem: 750</p>

<pre><code> Japanese: 800
Korean: 800

<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.8 Weighted 4.09
AP Scholar with Distinction
AP Chem: 4
AP Stats: 4
AP Euro: 4
AP US: 4
AP Lit: 3
AP Phyiscs 3</p>

<p>Classes this year
AP Psychology
AP Biology
AP Calculus BC
AP Language and Composition
AP Spanish
AP Physics C</p>

<p>Rank top 10% 37/377</p>

Student Body Treasurer
Model UN President
Vice President of Robotics Club
Peer Tutoring
Math Team
Science Bowl
National Honor Society
National Math Honor Society
National Science Honor Society
Trilingual in Korean, Japanese and English
Tri-Varsity athlete
SCC ALL SCholar Athlete</p>

<p>Lol, wow, you’re literally the 10th percent.</p>

<p>I just had to comment on that.</p>

<p>And, ok chance IMHO.</p>