Chance South American Immigrant/Hispanic Male [GA, 94.459/100 UW, 33 ACT, Physics/Computer Engineering/Robotics/Electrical Engineering]

Mercer is $$.

If you like UGA, why not apply to Bama - where you’d be $2500 tuition.

If you like Ga Tech, apply UAH - as a fall back.

You’re a bit overconfident.

I hope it doesn’t burn you.

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Haven’t looked into Alabama.

Yes (Zelle would pay for part of it). I really only applied b/c I got my fee waived, and they had no supplementals.

I personally would not pay for Mercer…
Do you know about transfer paths to GaTech? Dual Degree Engineering Transfer Pathway Program | Undergraduate Admission
You better off going to either REPP or a Dual Degree one.
If I were you I would go REPP to Kennesaw State University.
Or if you absolutely need to burn some parents’ money, I would go to Oglethorpe and live home (I suspect that you are nearby since you took classes in GSU and GaTech)


Kennesaw would be a realistic option if I didn’t get into UGA or Tech (due to distance from home).

For reference… I am GaTech Alumni with half of the family who graduated from GaTech. My DD is currently a senior at GaTech. I used to live in Atlanta many years ago…

I think your best bet if you will not get to GaTech is:
Kennesaw REPP ->GaTech.


Another reference point. DD got to UMich, CMU and some other top schools. But we decided to pay OOS for GaTech. This is because we love Tech, and BME (her major) is top there and it is cheaper…
CS or Computer Engineering are top notch. I consider GaTech one of best Engineering schools in the US. They are top 10 in every Engineering field they have.



Makes a lot of sense; I would, too. For CS, however, you could maybe make an argument for CMU, but idk about an extra 240k+ for a school ranked slightly above in CS (#1 v.s. #6)

Looks like we found you a good safety path… I seriously do not get your list of colleges. Reaches are too reachy (apart from GaTech) and your EA make no sense to me. It is all over the place.
Good luck…

Minor advice: focus less on prestige, and more on the final goal :). You sound like hard working and smart student.

They spammed my inbox, so I guess it would only be fair to spam them by using their fee waivers :man_shrugging:

Thanks, I looked for reaches that would (somewhat) make sense for engineering.

You wasted a lot of your time… If 100 schools will send you a fee waiver and have no supplements, would you apply to all to get a free t-shirt? You also wasted spots on your common App. You can have only 20…

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Yes I will. (I only apply through their own application portals, so it’s mostly a waste of time).

Bama would give you $30.5K off of $33K.

Ga Tech is obviously exceptional. That said, my son (MechE) interned and roomed with two Ga Tech kids. He was invited back. They weren’t.

He initially chose Bama over Purdue but now works alongside Purdue, Michigan, CWRU, NC State and more kids - as well as Utah, Arkon, W Michigan.

Depending on the field, where you go matters less - ABET matters.

Find the right school for you…on the list you provided or otherwise.

Few schools…but there are a few…matter in engineering…but in most cases, they don’t…except to sell magazines.

Good luck.


Just a heads up that Purdue fills the bulk of its class in EA so RD is a big reach. UT is mandated to fill the bulk if it’s class with in state applicants so also a reach. UWashington also is a big reach for CS for OOS applicants.

Sounds like you have a good safety plan with transferring into GT so I wouldn’t overly complicate things.


Just to clarify, your team won awards at FTC state championship and advanced to world fest. Your team participated at world fest but did not win any award there, right? Would this make the recognition level state or international?

You are obviously an accomplished candidate and I’m confident you have a good chance at one of the many top schools you’ve listed. I just want to reply to your comment about spamming fee waiver schools, cause, why not? Not cool.

One of the schools you listed doesn’t even offer ANY of the 4 majors you are interested in, I know because I have a kid there. So please do not waste an AO’s time and the college’s funds by applying to schools you really would never even attend just because they tried to attract you with a fee waiver. Character counts as much as all of your accomplishments. Boa sorte.

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