<p>Gpa 3.85 unweighted Ib diploma Act 32 Really good eq (four year water polo varsity and senior captain, 150+ hours volunteering, research internships, jazz orchestra section leader, nhs, varsity swim team). </p>
<p>Good essays and good recs</p>
<p>In at UCSB. SD is a match. LA is a low reach, depending on your weighted GPA.</p>
<p>What’s your class ranking?</p>
<p>weighted is like a 4.2. I’ve only gotten 2 Bs. My school doesn’t offer AP courses freshman and sophomore year. Idk about class ranking</p>
<p>id say you have a very good shot at ucsb uw and ucsd, especially if you are in state, with ucla wake and claremont are low to mid reaches</p>