Chances after deferral?

I’m a nova student who applied ED as a human nutrition and exercise major. Virginia tech is my top choice and has been for a long time please chance me after a deferral and any tips to increase chances from here would be helpful.

gpa: 3.75 weighted (somewhat low but 4.1 for senior year first Q)

advanced diploma with 5 ib courses

sat: 1210 (took once without much studying due to testing anxiety i know it’s low)

nhs and tri-m (music honors society)

lots of volunteer work including singing for nursing homes and putting on a concert for a group for disabled adults

started a kids camp to raise money donated to charities such as st jude’s and micheal j fox

4 years hs volleyball (2 on varsity)
4 years club volleyball

involved in choir and elected leader this year (have also served as a section leader)

I volunteered in vtech equine center’s foal watch program to nurse prematurely born foals

I experienced health issues causing me to miss about a month of school my junior year which impacted my grades. My counselor reached out to teachers and I worked hard to pull my grades back up however they were definitely impacted. Upon recieving deferral for ED at tech, I emailed my counselor and he suggested sending an email describing how tech is my top choice and opening up about my health issues/medical condition. If anyone knows if this would be a good idea please let me know.

ps. I’d also pay full tuition (I dont know if this changes anything but some people have said it makes a difference so just for more info)

thank you!

Yes full pay makes a difference for schools without "need blind’ admissions. So by Deferment do you mean you took a year off after NOVA and are now applying to VT?

no sorry I should have been more specific… I am a high school senior and applied early decision I just received the result a few weeks ago and was deferred.

I go to high school in northern va don’t attend nova haha sorry I just reread that

@kgiuseppe12. Your situation is a tough one. My daughter had severe health problems her freshman year and was hospitalized several times and we discovered she has a kidney disease. Yet when I suggested she write about that she didn’t want people to take pity on her so it was never mentioned. But, she was accepted early decision with similar stats to yours a few years ago.

My best friend, her hubby, and son spent months his senior year trying to get VT to accept their son. He was deferred then waitlisted and never got in. His stats were higher than my daughters but different major. I think they already know how important VT is to you because you applied ED and technically money is also factored into ED because they know you will go there no matter what the cost(part of the ED agreement).

My best friend, in hindsight, said she wished they had spent her son’s senior year getting excited about his second and third choice. Ironically he ended up at his third choice school and LOVES it.

Presumably you put your best foot forward in your application. That is expected. You just have to be patient , and while you wait get yourself mentally excited for your other choices and enjoy the process!!

Have your counselor send in your first semester senior year grades. If there was a drop in your grades junior year, your school counselor should include a note explaining that you had a long absence due to a health issue.

@vamominvabeach VT doesn’t look at transcripts. I’m pretty sure whatever you have in the SRAR is the only thing they look at.