Chances! And a worry..

<p>I'm interested in Chemistry and Math!</p>

<p>My worry: I am taking two more SAT IIs, Literature and Physics. I'm feeling AWFUL scores on them. If they're bad, should I just not send them? If I don't send them, how bad will two subject tests look?</p>

• SAT: CR: 750, M: 780, W: 710
• SAT II: Math II: 800, Chemistry: 740
• ACT: Didn't Take
• GPA: UW: 3.9/4.0 , W: 7.8/8.3
• Rank: 2/280
• AP: Chem- 5 (School offers few APs)
• Senior Courses: AP Literature, AP Physics B, AP Calc AB, Latin 4, Organic Chemistry Honors</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
•Started Destination Imagination Team and Program at our High School. We have competed all four years, and have helped start other teams. (7 Hours a week)
•Varsity Math Team. I am, this year, a Tri-Captain. Last year, I was ranked Second Highest-Scoring Junior in the League. I am currently the First Highest-Scoring Senior after our first meet. (4 Hours a week)
•National Honor Society Member. (1 Hour a week)
•Winnacore Member- kind of an Honor Society centered around Community Service (1 Hour a week)
•87 Hours of Community Service
•I run various activities through my town's Rec. Department. Our Rec. Director is writing me a letter.
•I played Tennis my sophomore year, had to discontinue in years following due to scheduling.</p>

• Location: New Hampshire
• High School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Income Bracket: $100,000
• Applied for Financial Aid: Yes</p>

•"Outstanding Achievement" on National Latin Exam: Introduction to Latin
•"Maxime Cum Laude" on National Latin Exam: Latin II
•"Maxime Cum Laude" on National Latin Exame: Latin III Prose
•High Honors every year
•#2 Junior for Tri-State Math League 2007-2008
•Scholar Athlete</p>

•I work as a Camp Counselor every Summer!
•My DI Coach is writing me a supplemental rec.
•My Town's Rec. Director is writing me a supplemental rec.</p>

<p>87 hours?</p>

<p>are u desperate to fill in all those EC boxes... not to sound rude... it seems very insignificant.. unless u have like 200 hours+ i wouldnt bother recording it...</p>

<p>seem okay... decent chances... apply ED and who knows... if u arent, less competition for me :) lol.. good luck bro</p>

<p>I have a lot of hours I didn't document =/</p>

<p>I actually don't think those are even on my app, oh well.</p>

<p>...any other input?</p>

<p>What, do I have the plague or something? =)</p>

<p>We are experiencing "chance me" fatigue.</p>

<p>Haha, fair enough.</p>

<p>Though Hopkins doesn't really care about SATs that much, yours are all in their 75th percentile, (if you average your English sections), which is solid.</p>

<p>I agree - it's gonna come down to non-numerical factors of course so spend time on your essays I imagine.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>…anyone else? =)</p>

<p>Unfortunately, aside from your math team work, you don’t have any EC’s that support your interest in math and chemistry. Hopkins asks for your interest in major to see if you actually demonstrate interests in these areas and unfortunately, the EC’s you have don’t target math, chemistry, or science.</p>

<p>argh. thank you for being honest, though!</p>

<p>^Oh, crap. I’m pre-med, but we have no science ECs at my school.</p>

<p>^^ take initiative… u live in america right… my god i would kill to be back in studying in USA… limitless opportunities in research for high schoolers and mentors for high schoolers man…</p>

<p>^^ yea we have opportunities but the competition is pretty fierce, let alone the fact that a lot of high schoolers don’t even know they CAN do research</p>

<p>I also just got a 780 on Physics SAT II… woo!</p>