chances at a private college in California?

3.8 gpa
public school (ranked top 50 in america, very competitive)</p>

<p>College: university of the pacific</p>

<p>sati (2200)
sat II
mathiic (took 3 times... 700, 640, 780)
chem (740)</p>

<p>Junior year(only honors and ap)
AP Chem W (withdrawal) will this hurt my chances?
if i didn't withdraw, i would have gotten a C in the 1st semester and probably a B in the 2nd semester since i would have worked harder
Precal Honors A</p>

<p>Senior (now, only ap)
AP Calc BC (proabbly get an A)
AP Physics (probably an A also)</p>

<p>Community College classes (summer before senior year)
General Chem A
Biology A
Statistics A</p>

<p>EC(very weak)
Varsity Soccer, 4 years
community service 50+ hours
part time job(pharm tech) 5 hours each night since starting of senior year ,</p>

<p>major: pre pharm</p>

<p>would the W in the transcript of withdrawing from ap chem hurt my chances at uop?</p>


<p>I think you have a pretty strong chance at the University of the Pacific. Your grades are pretty good, and your test scores are very good. Their PharmD program is pretty competitive, but you have given yourself a good chance, even with your semi-weak ECs.</p>

<p>Chance back please
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>