Chances at BU and North Eastern... Please take 1 min to respond and help Bob saget!

<p>GPA: 3.63 UW
School Dosen't Rank
SAT(old): 1250 </p>

<p>In 9th grade I was in all regular classes except for math, and I was in integrated science and my GPA sucked. I worked the summers of my Freshman and Sophomore years to catch up and now I'm full IB after a lot of hard work and sweet talking my consuelor. So, I went from regular cclasses with a low GPA to full IB with a high GPA, but my overall is still somewhat low. I also moved from living with a bi-polar guardian who wasn't on their medication and I moved out of state after I was abonded. Will these things make me stick out in my essays and such? Should I mention them?</p>

At my old school
BPA: President
Key Club
Multi-Cultural Club</p>

<p>At my new school:
NHS (Vice President)
Young Republicans
Young Democrats (Yes, I'm in both, I like both sides of the coin)
Quiz Bowl team</p>

<p>Here's the list</p>

<p>Also, I have done a summer internship at a law firm, have over 150 hours community service at a hospital, did the Cornell Summer program and I had to skip two years of Spanish because my old school had 6 periods for the whole year, so class of language a year. Here, it's 4x4 so you have to have 6 years. I skipped Spanish 3 and 4 and went straight to IB Spanish 1 and got an A and a B+ in IB Spnaish 2. So, in short, I skipped two years of Spanish and did very welland included it in my persoanl statement. I wrtoe the above post a long time ago so it's in the future tense. My school dosen't rank and I'm Full IB. Freshman year I was in all regular classes and took courses over the summer to be in IB. Thanks for any feedback at all!</p>

<p>C'mon guys, tell me my chances at Boston University and North Eastern. Think about all the things Bob Saget has done for you!</p>

<p>Tee hee...I like Bob Saget...</p>

<p>I don't know anything at all about Northeastern, so I can't really help you there. I'd guess your odds at Boston to be about 65-70%, but again, I'm just a clueless kid. Your test scores and grades are fairly good, and about in Boston's range. They could stand to be a bit higher, but they're not BAD.</p>

<p>I like Bob Saget. A lot. But I have to say, I always did like Jesse better...</p>

<p>Look, Jesse would be nothing without me in real life or on the show. I made him!</p>

<p>Nothing made Jesse...he was a god. That boy was HOT...</p>

<p>Yes, on the show, which was when HE was in his prime he was. UT, when Big Bob was in his prime, he was approx. 700.5 times more of a sex machine.</p>

<p><em>shrug</em> It's all in the attitude, yo. I never was much for the polite, respectful, obsessive-compulsive types.</p>

<p>That was Big Bob on the show after my wife died. Before that I was a "G". Bob Saget enjoys talking in the 3rd person.</p>

<p>I think BU and NEU are both fair game.</p>

<p>NEU is easier to get in, especially for arts&sciences.</p>