Chances at JHU(ED), UPENN CAS, and UF URM

<p>I'm a rising senior can you chance me for these schools?</p>

GPA with Freshman:3.61/4.67(weighted calculuated on a 6.0 scale from my school/ i think i have a 4.4 on a 5.0 scale)
GPA without Freshman:3.84/4.91
UF GPA:4.2
Class rank 28/702 .Top 4%</p>

<p>SAT: 2190 (M:750 CR:700 W:740)
PSAT: 215 (Don't remember the breakdowns sorry)</p>

<p>SAT US History: 770
SAT Math II: 800</p>

World History-2-4 (I retoke this exam because I knew I knew I could score higher. I got a 2 first due to being sick on test day)
US History-4
Comp Politics-3
Human Geography-5
Physics B-3
--Pending scores--
European History-
Calculus BC
Eng Lit
--Dual Enrollment--
Calculus 1 w/ Analytic Geometry-A
Health Strategies and Concepts-A
English Composition w/Lab-A
English Composition 2-A
Intro to enviornmental science-A
Public Speaking-A
Medical Terminology-A

A little under 300 hours volunteering at my local hospital.
Founder and President of Amnesty International
Alto Saxophone Section Leader in nationally ranked marching band
All District Alto Sax player
1st place at states for fbla business ethics and 1st place in districts
Historian for Philosophy Club
Math Honor Society member- competed in tournaments but no placements
3rd place in HOSA competition at district level
MPOWER Psychology club VP
Writers Workshop- No positions here. I just wanted to enjoy the club for what it is without being ultra competitive
Social Science award at my school
National Merit semi finalist
Idk if this counts but I have the highest SAT score in my school</p>

Comments: My school has never sent anyone to a school ranked higher than UVA, so I hope that doesn't affect me. I'm the only person applying to JHU ED in my school so there isn't any competition there.
I have legacy at UPenn
Intended major: Biology or History and no i'm not applying to BME at hopkins.</p>

<p>With your GPA, and ECs, I would say its a reach of JHU and Penn. Your ECs are scattered everywhere, and I don’t see a real focus. HOWEVER, if you attend a blue ribbon/not very good school, and have been able to excel academically anyways, then that would be a good hook. also, being an URM and Legacy applicant helps a great deal. Your SAT scores definitely put you in the ballpark. I would have your counsellor explain that low Freshmen GPA though.</p>

<p>Chance a fellow UPenn Cas applicant back:
<a href=“As an International Student, Do I even have a Shot at Georgetown SFS RD? - Georgetown University - College Confidential Forums”>As an International Student, Do I even have a Shot at Georgetown SFS RD? - Georgetown University - College Confidential Forums;

<p>“Founder and President of Amnesty International” what?</p>