Chances at JHU

<p>Hi, here are my stats:

<p>Race: Asian (Indian/Sri Lankan)</p>

<p>GPA:unweighted 3.953, weighted 4.74, this year it's a 5.0
AP's:Chemistry, Eng. Language, U.S. History, Calculus AB, Psychology, Statistics, Government, microeconomics, macroeconomics, Calculus BC, and Eng. Literature</p>

<p>Dual Enroll: Biological Science 1010 with Lab</p>

<p>SAT: I worked so hard for this score lol. I got a 1900 the first time.
Critical reading:660
Total:2100 </p>

<p>Intended undergraduate: Public Health and Philosophy with premed.</p>

Emergency Room Hospital volunteering: 154 hours+
Varsity Wrestling 11th and 12th grade
Science Team Captain for 3 years
A-Team Youngest student to ever make it on.
Bariatric surgeon and Gastroenterologist shadowing (about 100 hours)
Portfolio artist group
Church Youth Group </p>

Valedictorian (only 70 kids)
High school Artist of the Year
Best of Band
Epidemiology Case 1st place (300 kids participated)
Statewide A-Team Brain Bowl 3rd place (27 teams)
Highest A-all my AP classes except chemistry.
FAACS Polychromatic Drawing: Superior
Science Fair 1st place-microbiology category</p>

<p>I took 4 AP classes in 11th grade and 7 AP senior year. None in 9th and 10th because my christian private school didn't offer any. I left my school senior year to take more AP classes at an umbrella school, because my guidance counselor said I couldn't spread the gospel becoming a doctor and that i was going to kill myself taking all these classes.</p>

<p>What are the best colleges do you personally think I can get into? No Joking please.
If you want to be extra generous, you can chance me for any of UCLA, UCB, Brown, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, UF, UM, Georgetown, Columbia, and Dartmouth.</p>

<p>The only thing which is a bit low for schools higher than jhu is your sat score, everything else looks great. Have you considered taking sat subject tests in the aps you’ve already taken?</p>