Chances at Notre Dame, Northwestern, Dartmouth, BC

<p>I'm a Junior and I'm going to be applying to A bunch of schools next year. here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.04. My school doesn't weight for AP and Honors classes, but and A+ recieves a 4.1
AP/honors: only one AP class thus far (only had the chance to take two), one honors class, and 4 or 5 acc classes.
Senior year--> BC Calc AP English AP Micro/Macro Honors Physics ADV Latin (max load at my school)
ACT: 34
PSAT: 72 CR 77 M 80 W (probably National merit finalist)
Havent taken the SAT yet but will take it in a week</p>

Parish Council Member (one of two youth)
Latin Club- national and state conventions
Local Chemistry Olympiad
Appalacian Service Project in Kentucky for two summers
Local Youth Committee Member
3 sports (Volleyball Alpine Skiing Lacrosse) but none varsity this year (next year for at least one) </p>

<p>I go to a pretty competitive school in Milwaukee (usually ranked 1 or 2 for the area). I know we got a couple of guys into Dartmouth this year</p>

<p>Anybody have a sense of my chances at Notre Dame, Northwestern, Dartmout, and BC? Thanks</p>

<p>my school doesnt rank but im definitely in the top 5 out of 300</p>