Chances at NYU, BC, and Lehigh

<p>Major : Mathematics or Pre-Med
Schools looking to apply to : NYU, Lehigh, Boston College</p>

<p>Residing in New Jersey

UW: 92.0
W: 100.0</p>

<p>Top 10%</p>

Verbal: 630
Writing: 600
Math: 760
Total : (M+V)=1390 ; (M+V+W)=1990</p>

Composite : 30</p>

<p>SAT Math IIC: 800
SAT Chemistry : 690</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Student Council - Treasurer , Amnesty International, Literary Magazine, Yearbook Club, Mentor (for incoming students) , Debate Club, Future Educators of America, Math League, Science League, Mock Trial, NHS, Physics Olympics, Book Club, Model Senate, Mock ICJ, World Affairs Council, and Students Against Destructive Decisions- Core Leader.
JV Track: 9th
Varsity Cross Country: 10th
Varsity Tennis: 11th,12th</p>


<p>Freshman: Honors Biology, Honors Lit, Honors Geometry, Honors Mod. World, French 2, Computing for College Careers
Sophomore: Honors Chemistry, Honors Amer Lit, Honors Pre-Calc (attended summer school to skip Honors Alg 2) , Honors US History, French 3, Advertising, Photography
Junior: Honors Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Calc BC, Honors World Lit, AP Stat, AP US History
Senior: AP Lit, AP Biology, AP Environmental, AP Euro History, American Law</p>

<p>Anyone at all?</p>

<p>Lehigh: High Match
NYU: High Match/Low Reach
BC: High Match/Low Reach</p>

<p>I now BC accepts a lot of rich white kids from Jersey every year. If you’re from Bergen, I’m gonna say your chances go way up.
NYU (Stern) is going to be tough, but CAS is not that much of a reach.
I don’t know much about Lehigh though.</p>

<p>high match at all</p>

<p>chance back?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>ur a match for both</p>