<p>Ethnicity: Asian American, go to a very good public school
-GPA: 3.8 unweighted before senior year, 3.4 senior year first semester unweighted (<- this is what worries me...)</p>
<p>-SAT I: 2370 (only took it once)
-SAT II Physics, Math, US History: 800, 800, 780</p>
<p>-APs: APUSH, APLAC, AP Physics C (e/m and mech), AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science A/B, Calculus B/C, all 5s.
-AP Courses taken: APCalcB/C, APCS A/B, APLAC, AP Bio, AP Chem, APUSH, AP Literature: 2 Bs, 12 As</p>
<p>-Recommendations: pretty good, I think. From my math club advisor/calculus teacher, APUSH teacher, with supplemental from the USA IMO coach</p>
<p>-National Academic E/Cs: US IMO Alternate, attended USA Black MOP, USAPhO Semifinalist 2009, Quarterfinalist 2008</p>
<p>-Local Academic E/Cs: Vice president of Science Club, President of Math Club, some local science contests (TEAMS, Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, etc), some awards in local math contests</p>
<p>-Nonacademic extracurrics: some school-level piano, band, soccer, and debate extracurriculars (nothing big), going to be Eagle Scout in less than a month. Nothing big here...</p>
<p>I got into MIT early action, but whacked my GPA, so things might go a little differently for the rest of my applications... What are my chances?</p>