Chances at Stanford

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>Given your expertise with Stanford, I was inquiring whether you could evaluate my feasibility of acceptance as a candidate on a scale of 1-10. 10 Being the best chance of being accepted.</p>

<p>I am open and appreciative to all advice.</p>

Race: White Male (Russian Jewish Ethnicity)
Region: Midwest
Unweighted GPA: 3.98, ~Top 5%
SAT: ~2200, 800 Math, 700 Writing, 700 Reading
SAT IIs: TBD ~750
Course Load: All IB Courses Taken (Math, Physics, Biology, History, Literature, Government, TOK)
School: Recently ranked #1 Public High School in America</p>

- President Young Democrats
- President Future Business Leaders of America
- NHS, Spanish Honor Society</p>

<p>~Summer Internship Moscow State University (MSU)
- MSU considered a best university in Russia
- Assisted professors in laser and fiber optics studies.
- Conducted MAJOR research project
- Published in two distinguished scientific journals
- Two patents pending based on findings
- Went on to present results at U.S. Science Fairs</p>

<p>~Science Fair Endeavors:
+ Regionals Competion
- First Place Physics Division
- Grand Award Overall
- Won all expense paid trip to International Science Fair
+ State Competion:
- First Place Overall
+ Other Awards:
- Herbert Hoover Young Engineer Award
- 1st Place - International Society for Optical Engineering
- 2nd Place - General Motors Research Chapter of Sigma XI
- 1st Place – Yale University Science and Engineering Society
- 1st Place - Mini/Micro Computer Applications
+ Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
- Awards: To Be Announced (Held in May)</p>

<li>Owner of Succesful Online Retail Business</li>
<li>Started an online retail business</li>
<li>Developed first in industry concept</li>
<li>Cash Flow ~$120,000, 20% increase per year</li>
<li><p>I am Featured in Young Biz 100</p></li>
<li><p>Other Stuff:</p></li>
<li><p>2 Time Roller Hockey Champion (Bantam House)</p></li>
<li><p>Piano for 8 years (Non-competitive, I do it for myself)</p></li>
<li><p>Will play Soccer Varsity for School (Senior Year)</p></li>
<li><p>Future Plans:</p></li>
<li><p>Another Research Internship at US University (TBD)</p></li>
<li><p>Summer economics courses at UPenn</p></li>

<p>I will appreciate any comments you may have and your opinion on my resume so far. I understand my test scores aren't great, but I am curious whether my extracurriculars make up for it.</p>

<p>Thanks In Advance</p>

<p>I think you already know your chances of getting into stanford or anything other school your apply to. SHYP Chill out dude and stop bragging.</p>

<p>Man, it's so original when someone posts ridiculously good, obviously made-up stats on CC. Thanks for taking up space.</p>

<p>Feezus, I'll take that as a compliment =). Nah, everything listed above are actually awards I've achieved. If you would like I can send you the abstract of my work, perhaps it would be of interest to you.
I understand my extra curriculars are great, but the reason I posted this is whether my SAT Score will void my chances. Furthermore, I also will not have Calculus 2 completed by the end of my Senior year, and I am wondering if my extra curriculars can make up for these two flaws.</p>

<p>you dont have a chance</p>

<p>jk im just a recent stanford reject with better test scores and leadership. but if you emphasize the business, you have a real good shot. its tough to do that on the stanford application though because it is so short and they dont allow addendums (i.e. a resume to fully explain that). the business is what will get you in though. if you can highlight that, it provides a real good reason for them to take you. 120k is impressive.</p>

<p>the other posters are n00bs. go look at stats of people who were rejected on some of the decisions threads. admissions are so volatile they really look at personality more than they look at stats. good news is that you probably will get into penn or columbia.</p>

<p>so ratings: 3 if you dont emphasize the business. 8-9 if they really get an idea of the impressive work youve done with that business.</p>

<p>(and dont worry about me, im going to princeton)</p>

<p>the princeton application has PLENTY of room for those things. ;)</p>

<p>What hs do you go to? Is in Chicago or a Suburb of it? I used to live in Highland Park and there public school was way more amazing the the private school I now go to in Green Bay, WI. :(</p>

<p>Russian Jewish Ethnicity i doubt low SATs will even blemish his application</p>

<p>My application was in my opinion considerably worse than that- had a lot less EC's, awards, and I'm 21/503 in my class (however, I did have near perfect test scores). But then again, when I submitted to the MIT threads people accused me of making stats up- and I got deferred and rejected. I think what did it for Stanford was my essays- my Stanford application was by far my best (it gave me the most opportunity to express myself). My advice is start working on your essays right now- slightly overkill it, because when the time comes, you might be severely writer's blocked. Be conversational, self-deprecating, and above all else, completely honest- it's really obvious when you try to (even slightly) make yourself something you're not; dogged honestly probably helps you out a lot, especially in the close calls. Remember, your stats speak for your academic talents- just make the adcoms like you. "Emphasizing" things that may not be entirely accurate will make your essays stifled and relatively bad.</p>

<p>i really cant say, they might just love you or might hate you i truly do not understand college admissions i got waitlisted at both stanford and dartmouth with an 1140 and no incredible EC's, a good gpa(4.4) but was rejected at nyu so dont worry about your chances, just apply cause no one will be able to give you not even a close estimate of what your chances are. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Hasn't this guy posted on the HYPM boards as well?</p>

<p>i believe he has</p>