<p>Hello, </p>
<p>Given your expertise with Stanford, I was inquiring whether you could evaluate my feasibility of acceptance as a candidate on a scale of 1-10. 10 Being the best chance of being accepted.</p>
<p>I am open and appreciative to all advice.</p>
Race: White Male (Russian Jewish Ethnicity)
Region: Midwest
Unweighted GPA: 3.98, ~Top 5%
SAT: ~2200, 800 Math, 700 Writing, 700 Reading
SAT IIs: TBD ~750
Course Load: All IB Courses Taken (Math, Physics, Biology, History, Literature, Government, TOK)
School: Recently ranked #1 Public High School in America</p>
- President Young Democrats
- President Future Business Leaders of America
- NHS, Spanish Honor Society</p>
<p>~Summer Internship Moscow State University (MSU)
- MSU considered a best university in Russia
- Assisted professors in laser and fiber optics studies.
- Conducted MAJOR research project
- Published in two distinguished scientific journals
- Two patents pending based on findings
- Went on to present results at U.S. Science Fairs</p>
<p>~Science Fair Endeavors:
+ Regionals Competion
- First Place Physics Division
- Grand Award Overall
- Won all expense paid trip to International Science Fair
+ State Competion:
- First Place Overall
+ Other Awards:
- Herbert Hoover Young Engineer Award
- 1st Place - International Society for Optical Engineering
- 2nd Place - General Motors Research Chapter of Sigma XI
- 1st Place Yale University Science and Engineering Society
- 1st Place - Mini/Micro Computer Applications
+ Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
- Awards: To Be Announced (Held in May)</p>
<li>Owner of Succesful Online Retail Business</li>
<li>Started an online retail business</li>
<li>Developed first in industry concept</li>
<li>Cash Flow ~$120,000, 20% increase per year</li>
<li><p>I am Featured in Young Biz 100</p></li>
<li><p>Other Stuff:</p></li>
<li><p>2 Time Roller Hockey Champion (Bantam House)</p></li>
<li><p>Piano for 8 years (Non-competitive, I do it for myself)</p></li>
<li><p>Will play Soccer Varsity for School (Senior Year)</p></li>
<li><p>Future Plans:</p></li>
<li><p>Another Research Internship at US University (TBD)</p></li>
<li><p>Summer economics courses at UPenn</p></li>
<p>I will appreciate any comments you may have and your opinion on my resume so far. I understand my test scores aren't great, but I am curious whether my extracurriculars make up for it.</p>
<p>Thanks In Advance</p>