Chances at the following schools...

<p>I am a current senior at a NC high school. I am applying to: Vanderbilt University, George Washington University, Wake Forest University, Virginia Tech, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, and Appalachian State.</p>

<p>W GPA: 4.53
UW GPA: 3.86
Class Rank: 40/400
SAT Score: 1980 (720 reading, 640 writing, 620 math)
ACT: 28</p>

<p>APs: AP Psychology (5), AP Environmental (4), AP English Language (4), AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP English Lit</p>

<p>Recommendations: AP Enviro & AP English Lang teacher</p>

National Honor Society (Volunteer Committee Project Manager)
Job as at Peer2Peer Tutors
Internship at Public Library
Student newspaper reporter
500+ community service hours
Church Youth Group President
-VBS coordinator
-Altar Server
Cello in string ensemble</p>

<p>What are my chances? Chance me and I'll chance back! :)</p>

<p>iā€™d say that you have very good chances for your in-state schools. vanderbilt may be tough</p>

<p>Vanderbilt University: reach
George Washington University:match
Wake Forest University:match
Virginia Tech:safety
UNC Chapel Hill: match maybe?
UNC Charlotte:safety
Appalachian State safety</p>

<p>Chance me back!</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;