Chances at the University of Michigan Out of State?

<p>Hello, I am currently a junior at a public high school in rural Virginia and I am going to apply early to University of Michigan next year and was hoping someone here could take the time to evaluate my resume and give me chances.
3.8 unweighted GPA
SAT scores-730 Reading, 600 Math, 710 Writing
Taking every AP class my school has to offer at this point, plan on taking AP Spanish also</p>

worked at grocery store since I turned 14
Academic Team member
NHS member-plan on being an officer next year
DECA marketing club member
Young Democrats member</p>

<p>If someone could post what they think my chances are that would be much appreciated, or suggest other things to make the resume better, Thanks!</p>

<p>Any chance I could get some reply?</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are above the average and your GPA is at the average. You should be a fairly competitive applicant. Make sure you show a high level of interest in the college (visiting campus maybe?) and make your essays shine! Your extracurriculars are only sub-par because they do not show a particularly strong interest in any one subject. :confused: But show in your essays that you have character and passion, and you should be fine.</p>