<p>i live in california (for UCs)</p>
<p>3.75 unweighted
4.35 weighted</p>
<p>8 APs
5 calc bc
5 stat
4 lang comp
4 chem
taking 4 senior year</p>
<p>2 Community College Classes
6 Honors Classes</p>
<p>ACT 36
English 36
Math 36
Reading 35
Science 36
Essay 8</p>
Math lvl 2: 800
Chem: 660... retaking</p>
<p>assuming good ECs and essays</p>
<p>UCLA in state
UC Berkeley in state
Carnegie Mellon
Wash U in St. Louis
Cal Tech
<p>im applying to engineering. ive finished all the math classes at my school so im taking a second year of calc at a community college next year.</p>
<p>3 sports for 4 years.</p>
<p>lots of non profit work.... non profit internship. president of non profit organization. went to developing country to help out and learn. board member of a philanthropy organization. raised lots money individually starting at a young age.</p>
<p>You’re UW GPA is pretty low, but you’ve got a perfect ACT score. Your ECs seem a little weak, but you have two leadership positions under your belt, which is good.
Although (even though you already stated you were retaking it) that Chemistry SAT II score is going to bring down your chances horridly. I know your planning on retaking it, but for someone who wants to be an engineer, a 660 is pretty bad. I would say you have an EXCELLENT chance at ALL the schools you mentioned, with the exception of Harvard, Princeton, MIT, and Caltech (maybe even Duke?). I think you should have more ECs that are focused on your specific field of study (engineering). Your ECs just seem to be a little scattered, and you don’t really seem that passionate about them (no offense though - just trying to help :)). So, I think if you get more ECs that are focused on engineering, get GREAT recommendations, get that Chem score up, write an AMAZING essay, and keep your GPA up, you could get into any school you want :D.</p>
<p>^and you shouldn’t bump youself that soon. Give it some time.</p>
<p>how is the following scattered?</p>
<p>lots of non profit work… non profit internship. president of non profit organization. went to developing country to help out and learn. board member of a philanthropy organization. raised lots money individually starting at a young age.</p>
<p>Well, I was just trying to give you advice. It’s scattered in the sense that you’ve only got one sort of EC, and that’s based on non-for-profit organizations (and those sports you mentioned as well). Like I said, if you’re applying to the field of engineering, you should have more ECs that reflect your interest in engineering, not your interest in others (not to be selfish- also you’ve just dedicated too much of your high school career to charities and such instead of following your passions, which would mainly just be engineering).</p>
<p>what if i wrote about how i want to use engineering to help non profit organizations? non profits do use engineers… would that work? </p>
<p>i think im out of time to do an EC involving engineering</p>
<p>Acttually, if you play it right, it could work out quite perfectly. And it’s the summer, you still have time to get involved. Maybe you could shadow a few local engineers, or maybe take an online basic engeneering course, etc.</p>
<p>i have zero time left this summer… but possibly during first semester. do you know of any online programs?</p>
<p>Yup: [Exploring</a> Engineering: online course | Brown University Office of Continuing Education](<a href=“http://brown.edu/ce/pre-college/online/eng/]Exploring”>http://brown.edu/ce/pre-college/online/eng/) You can either take the course during the summer, during fall, or during spring. :)</p>
<p>its 2000 dollars for an online class?</p>
<p>Yeah, I know. It’s EXTREMELY pricey :(. But it’s ten entire weeks…and it’ll show a great deal of initiative towards colleges. :)</p>
<p>^ 6 weeks* the Medical Online Course is 10. My bad :)</p>
<p>ya… 2000 dollars isnt going to work :(</p>