Chances at UC schools?

I was wondering if I am considered a strong applicant for UC schools such as UCLA, UCSD, etc.

Academic GPA:4.92 W, 4.0 UW (10-11 grade)
SAT II: Math II(790), Chemistry(780)
AP: Music Theory(5), World History (4), Physics 1 (4), Calculus BC(5/5), US History(5), English Lang (4), Spanish Lang (4), Biology (5), Chemistry (5)
EC: Piano- have been playing for 11 years, lessons every week, practice every day, play for Senior Homes
- won many competitions, played concerto with orchestra, played in many guest masterclasses
-Chamber Music-since freshman year, played at LACMA, guest masterclasses, honor recitals
-Clubs: leader of an academic help club (tutors and helps other students achieve academic goals)
- board member of club that raises money to aid third world countries
- science olympiad- since 10th grade, meetings after school
Awards- school placed at the American Chemistry Olympiad, I was part of the winning team (10th and 11th grade)

  • won three medals at Science Olympiad regional competitions
  • many piano awards
  • awards within my school
  • National AP Scholar
    Work Experience: currently interning at a cancer research lab this summer (right before 12th grade)

Sorry about the vagueness of some of my descriptions. I did not want to disclose too much.

You look like a competitive applicant for all the UC’s. Best of luck.