Chances at various schools--aiming high!

x MD resident
x Aspiring Cognitive Neuroscience major, in hopes of going to med school & becoming an anesthesiologist.
x Public school, best in the area, though not on any top 200 lists or whatever. Has sent grads to Princeton, Columbia, etc.
x GPA: 3.68 UW, 4.05W. Noticeable upward trend, especially in academic classes. My midyear report will certainly show that (if everything continues how I hope it will)
x Rank: Top 10%
x Test Scores:
-SAT: 1890 (640M, 630V, 620W)
-ACT: 29 (31 E, 31 R, 27 M, 27 S, 10E)
-AP: 4 bio, 4 US gov
(I'm only sending the ACT, so I'm not listing my pathetic SAT IIs)
- Yearbook, FNHS, etc. I wasn't able to be involved due to my mom getting out of jail and having to go to visitation until .. my senior year, when I tried to get more involved. I made a note of this in additional info.</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work
100+ hours at a local library</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I was a fabulous dish washer at a restaurant last summer..</p>

<p>Academic Honors/Awards
Maryland Distinguished Scholar - Honorable Mention
Math Student of the Month</p>

<p>Senior Year Courseload:
AP Chemistry (My only B, .. could possibly fall to a C, doing everything I can..)
AP Eng Lit
AP Calc AB (I had to take 2 math classes soph year to get to this level)
Honors US History
Honors Physics (No AP, it's at another school)</p>

Very good; my opening sentence was, "I had my first encounter with a pedophile at age 10." My supplements should be very good, too.</p>

<p>Reccomendations :
GC: Pretty good, I guess..
10th grade eng teacher/yearbook advisor: EXCELLENT. It was so nice.
AP Bio teacher: Really good except she misspelled 'man' as 'many'..</p>

I'm using fee waivers for the last four schools listed.</p>

<p>So.. could you do percentages or estimates?
(40% chance, 60%, etc or match, extreme reach, whatever.)</p>

Drexel U
University of Maryland College Park
Vanderbilt University
Brown University (assuming my essays and interview show a high level of interest?)
Duke University
University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>Drexel U-match
University of Maryland College Park-match
Vanderbilt University-slight reach
Brown University- huge reach
Duke University- reach
University of Pennsylvania-huge reach</p>

<p>I’d add some safeties.</p>

<p>I have a lot of safeties, those aren’t the only schools I’m applying to:
Towson U, Salisbury U, Washington College, UMES.
I have a full ride to the last one, although it’s not a good school at all. I believe in options xD.</p>

<p>bumpnoonelikesme. :></p>

<p>ur stats are similar to mine cept my SAT scores are like 10 or 20 higher in each, id say no to the ivies and high reach to duke depending on major, but yea drexel and maryland in</p>