<p>I am a junior (Asian male) going on senior at Hunter College High School in NYC. My junior year classes were Math 11 Extended Honors, English 11, US History, Physics, AP Biology</p>
<p>Next year I plan on taking Physiology, AP Calculus BC, AP English Language and Composition, AP Chemistry and a internship with a teacher for 9th Grade Biology.</p>
<p>I love Biology and I hope to pursue a career in sports medicine. I am highly interested in Brown's 7-year accelerated medicine program, but I may apply to Yale EA first since it is not binding.</p>
<p>We have no class rank or GPA, so the following are my grades from freshman to junior year, 1st semester grade/2nd semester grade: </p>
<p>Freshman Year
Math 9 - B+/A
Global Studies 9 - A-/A-
English 9 - B+/A
Biology - B+/A-
French 9 - A-/A
Music/Art - B/A
Phys Ed - A/A</p>
<p>Sophomore Year
Math 10 - A/A-
Global Studies/US History I - A/B+
English 10 - A-/A
French 10 - A/A
Chemistry - A+/A+
Heath Ed/Art - A/A-
Phys Ed - A/A+</p>
<p>Junior Year (haven't gotten report card yet for final semester, but these are projected grades)
Math 11 - A+/A+
US History - A/A- (maybe B+)
English 10 - A-/A- (maybe B+)
AP Biology - A+/A+ (maybe A)
Physics - A/A
Phys Ed - B/A</p>
<p>Test Scores
PSAT: 225 (10th), 237 (11th), most likely National Merit</p>
<p>SAT I (taken twice, December 06, January 07)
740 V, 750 M, 750 W (12/06)
780 V, 780 M, 780 W (1/07)</p>
680 - French (6/06) in 10th Grade, not exactly the best
750 - Biology (5/07)
780 - Math IIC (6/07)
800 - US History (6/07)</p>
<p>Extracurriculars (projected through senior year):
3 years member of Varsity Volleyball, Co-Captain next year
2 years Manager for Girls Varsity Volleyball
2 years Stellar Volleyball club
1 year manager for Boys Varsity Basketball (in 10th Grade)
1 year member of Boys Junior Varsity Basketball (in 10th Grade)
Sports Columnist for school newspaper, The Observer
1 year Co-President of Ping-Pong Club (10th Grade)</p>
<p>2 years volunteer for Hunter Summer Enrichment Program (summer '05 and '06)
Internship in Jeffrey M. Friedman Lab at Rockefeller University since November '06 as part of Rockefeller Student Outreach Program
This summer, participant of STRAW (Scientific Research and Writing) Program at Rockefeller University
This summer, playing at the Empire State Games, representing New York City in volleyball, scholastic division</p>
<p>Also, may participate in Intel Science Talent Search this fall with my research at Rockefeller</p>
AP Biology teacher, who loves me and I believe to be the best teacher I've EVER had
Physics teacher or US History teacher (ex-Harvard undergrad, Columbia grad)</p>
<p>Schools I'm considering:
Yale (Single Choice EA)
Brown (7-year med program)
also interested in:
Johns Hopkins
<p>Thanks for the help</p>