Chances for '09

<p>Hi everyone! Thanks for opening! Chance me?</p>

<p>White female
Average public school in Massachusetts</p>

<p>ACT: 30, then a 31 (English: 34 Math: 27 Reading: 32 Science: 29)
SAT: 1930 both times, retaking this weekend (Math: 590/600, Critical Reading: 660/640, Writing: 680/690)</p>

<p>All honors/AP classes when available. I took French and Spanish each for four years in high school, and I took the initiative to take AP Spanish on Virtual High School because it is not offered at my school.</p>

<p>Tests so far:
AP U.S. History: 4
English Language: 5</p>

<p>Most important activities:
Class Treasurer
President of National Honor Society
Yearbook Editor
Student Council
Academic Decathlon
I danced for 15 years (I don't anymore)</p>

<p>Volunteer work (I have enough to make it look decent):
Key Club
Soup Kitchen
MSPCA volunteer (local animal shelter)</p>

<p>I had a job for one summer between sophomore and junior years. Looking for another.</p>

<p>Various awards for excelling in foreign language, various nominations for awards, etc. Too boring to list.</p>

<p>Recommendations should be excellent (one from my AP English teacher, who is a Ph.D, and one from my class advisor, who knows me VERY well).
Essays should be good.</p>

<p>I think that's about it. For a fuller profile, click on my username, then "View Public Profile" and then click on the link under "My Biography."</p>


<p>GPA: 102.04
Class Rank: 1/300</p>

<p>I just visited Skidmore today, and I LOVED it! Please chance!</p>

<p>Definitely in.</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope so, I absolutely loved the school! :]</p>

<p>Me too, it's my top choice at the moment!</p>

<p>Good luck! Maybe we'll both end up there</p>

<p>It’s a great place! There is a lot of opportunity, and because it’s a school on the rise the administration really makes an effort to bring in more interesting lecturers and opportunity programs. The financial aid is good too, and social life is good and easy to balance with academic life.</p>

<p>3.4 gpa
1900 sat’s
4 on ap us history
taking ap calc, ap spanish, and ap gov as far as any honors/ap classes go

<p>Skidmore is a downer. Don’t go.</p>

<p>Why is it a downer?</p>

<p>school rocks. i just got in ED. You’re in no problem</p>

<p>I guess it doesn’t really matter, but I got a 5 on the History Exam, not a 4.</p>