Chances for admission!

<p>graduating: 2008</p>

<p>planning to major in: film studies/international media studies</p>

<p>Academic GPA.3.36 weighted 3.54
<em>I had a major nerve surgery my sophmore year which put me out of school for four months. I have a documented 504 Health plan which accounts for the gap in my grades because of this</em></p>

<p>12 honors/AP courses throughout high school career</p>

French Honors Society
Mock Trial(secretary senior year)
Drama production/film production all 4 years
Animal Club president
Coordinator for music and drama program at church vacation bible school
sunday school teacher all 4 years of high school
Light the Night walk for blood cancers(2 years)
Merage summer film program at chapman university</p>

<p>ACT composite:

<p>can anyone let me know if I have a chance??</p>

<p>You are in. All you need to get in is at least 3.2 and 26 or so on ACT.</p>