Chances for any of these schools

<p>Black-African American</p>

1 honors course taken, 1 college course taken, 2 college courses going to take, 1 AP class going to take
ACT: 26 (taking it more times)
SAT: (Haven't taken yet)
GPA: 3.4 cumulative // 3.9 junior year (first semester)</p>

<p>Extra Curiculars:
100+ hours of community service
Lacrosse (9,10,11,12)
Wrestling (9,10,11,12)
Stock Market Club (9,10,11,12)
DECA Business Club (11,12)</p>

Business Honor Society
Nationally Certified Financially Literate
Silver Cord Member (volunteering program)</p>

<p>College Choices:</p>

<p>University of Michigan</p>

<p>Ohio State (Fischer School of Business)</p>

<p>University of Maryland, College Park</p>

<p>Northeastern University</p>

<p>Indiana University (Kelley School of Business)</p>

<p>Drexel University</p>

<p>University of Delaware</p>

<p>SUNY Buffalo</p>

<p>Syracuse University</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin</p>

<p>Penn State</p>


<p>SUNY Binghamton</p>

<p>hey, chance threads really aren’t indicative of how well you’ll do in admissions. trust me i have much lower sat scores ~1930 and i got likelies from duke and williams college. just make sure to shine in your essays and make them truly unique.
but, on the other hand, you have good EC’s that you’ve been involved in since freshman year, so thats great! Also you have time to work on your ACT and idk it may be good enough but i think it would be even better if u worked it up to a 28 for the more selective schools…the other schools i think will be fine with 26-27 but again DONT TRUST ME LOL i don’t know, its definitely not about your standardized scores! essays, essays, essays!!</p>

<p>i dont know much about those schools, but your stats look good :slight_smile: ^zambia123 any tips for good essays?</p>

<p>100% yes to all except University of Michigan. That school is almost IVY league and extremely competitive. My GENIUS friend who got over a 2000 on his SATS and had a 4.3/4.4 gpa got deffered, but eventually accepted but it took a while. I would reccomend taking your ACTS again and getting atleast a 30, only for Michigan this is necessary. You MUST take harder classes your senior year… id say atleast 5 honors and if not 2 honors 2 aps. Get some killer teacher recommendations especially for Michigan Id say 2 academic and 1 personal… the personal should be your coach or something. Also, write a kick ass essay. Make it perfect. And dont slack off senior year !. If you do all this I’d say your chance for Michigan is really good… other schools that i think MAY be iffy are northeastern and Binghamton. You might get into them… honestly its a 50/50 with those two, but if you follow my advice then you definetly should get it to all on your list. Good luck!</p>

<p>Good advice for a college essay is to write about a personal experience, a memoir maybe, that helped you discover who you are, or helped you create who you are today. The reason why college essays like this can be so good and hard hitting is because there is a thin line between making an essay like this unbelievable or a disaster. You can’t be too personal or the reader will become uncomfortable reading your essay which is of course, bad. And you can’t be to disconnected, because then the reader will not feel emotion, and will become bored, and your essay will be dry. Which is also bad. The hardest part is with these kinds of essays is creating the perfect balance. However, if you pull it off right the response will be outstanding and very positive and good for you, the writer. Remember, these people read so many essays every single day and they are bored, trust me. If you give them something different and unique, like a personal memoir that affected who you are today, their attention will be grabbed and they will remember that essay, in a good way hopefully. Which is what you want. I’d work on that essay and get your English teacher to revise it and continue looking over it to make sure you don’t cross that thin line. I did this with my college essay when my scores and gpa were right below where they wanted it, and it was a success! Good luck!</p>