Chances for BC, Wake Forest, Tulane, TCU

<p>Location: Dallas, TX
Sex: Male
School: Private</p>

Reading: 710
Writing: 730
Math: 640 (damn you math!)
Overall: 2080</p>

<p>SAT Subject
Math 1
^Taking both of these this Saturday</p>

<p>GPA: 92 (not exactly sure how to weight this, I'll look it up later)</p>

AP United States History
AP Literature and Composition
AP Language and Composition
AP Government and Politics
AP Computer Science</p>

- Honor Roll all 4 years (9, 10, 11, 12)
- National Merit Commended
- National Latin Exam Bronze (9, 10)
- National Honor Society (11, 12)</p>

<p>School Organizations/Athletics
- Varsity Tennis (9, 10, 11, 12)
- Served as a Big Brother to two freshman (12)
- Helped organize the Freshman retreat (10)
- Served in a junior leadership group that did community service (11)
- Latin Club (9, 10, 11)
- Elves in Disguise: Helped donate, package, and deliver presents to needy families in Dallas who we surprised on Christmas (9,10)
- Adopt a Family: Chose a nominated needy family and bought gifts for each family member, as well as wrapped them and delivered them</p>

<p>Non-School Community Service
- Young Men's Service League (9, 10, 11, 12 - 4-10 hrs per week)
- Newsletter Chair (11)
- 3rd VP (12)
<em>NOTE</em> - I did a ton of philanthropies for this and spent tons of hours doing community service, is it right to include every single individual philanthropy on my resume?</p>

<li>Special Olympics Tennis (11,12 - 2 hrs per week)</li>
<li>Senior Service Site: The Brady Center (100+ hours for my senior year - 5 hrs per week)</li>

<p>Work Experience
- Worked as a tennis coaching assistant my freshman and sophmore years for 30 hours a week
- Working as an intern at a global networking company (and an Inc 500 company - fastest growing companies in the nation) since the end of my junior year (40 hrs per week in the summer, 6 per week in the school year)</p>


<p>Chance me for:
- Boston College (reach) - I go to a Jesuit school so I think this might help me since Boston College is a Jesuit university
- Wake Forest (reach?)
- Vanderbilt (reach)
- Villanova
- Tulane
- University of Georgia Honors Program
- Texas Christian University (safety)</p>

<p>Well it wouldn’t let me edit it again but I also wanted to add that I’m also a cast member in the Senior One Act plays.</p>

<p>Bump please :)</p>

<p>Holy Cross is also a top Jesuit college and is 30 miles west of BC. It is 20 years older than BC but only 3000 students versus BC’s 9000. Given you are from a Jesuit high school, you have a strong shot for a BC and HC.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely look into that :)</p>