<p>GPA weighted 3.77 UC/ 3.79 state
26 ACT SAT II 610 Math II 620 Chem</p>
H Bio B/C
H Geo C/B
World Geography B
English A/B</p>
Alg 2 A/B
Physiology B/A
English B/B
world history A/A</p>
Math Analysis A/B
Honors Chem 5.0 A/B
A.P. comp sci B/B
English A/A</p>
econ/gov A/A
A.P. AB calc B
Physics A
English B
current america 4.0 A</p>
<p>Hebrew outside of school 8 hours/week 4 years A/A/B/A (one grade for both semesters)</p>
Math Honors society
3 years volleyball
math tutor (math tutor as a class) jr/senior year
volunteered at a food pantry</p>
<p>competitive high school, people have gotten into stanford and columbia so far this year and last year a few got into berkeley and ucla and a few ivy leagues. i think im in the top 25% or 30% i havet actually checked...</p>
<p>I know my stats aren't very impressive, so chances for Cal Poly as a chem major, ucsb, ucd, ucsc, uci, and san diego state</p>