Chances for EA?

I applied EA for International Relations. I’m from Northern VA, and also applied as a cadet.

GPA: 3.8 (Terrible class rank however) (Strong course rigor, with lots of AP classes and 5 years of French)

ACT: 32 (35E, 29M, 33R, 32S)

Relevant ECs: Model UN, Boys State, Debate, Congressional Intern, French club

Athletics: Crew (4 ears varsity), Fencing (Club), Swimming (Club)

Leadership: DECA (VP), French Club (Officer)

Other: Fluent in French, lived in Belgium for 4 years

Do I have a shot? I think my GPA and rank might screw me over.

Forgot that I also am an officer in my church’s youth group/volunteering organization.

Keep in mind, the acceptance rate is somewhere around 70%. I wouldn’t be too worried as an instate applicant.

Keep in mind, the acceptance rate is somewhere around 70%. I wouldn’t be too worried as an instate applicant.

The acceptance rate did decline significantly with the 2018 freshman class. Published stats are: University 2018 acceptance rate was 64.8% and College of Liberal Arts and Human Science 2018 acceptance rate was 56.6%. Given you are applying to the Corps and your stats alone are within the average, I say you have a good shot. Best of luck.