Chances for EARLY decision CAS please!

<p>SO I visited PENN this weekend and LOVED it. What do u think are my chances if I apply ED this fall?</p>

<p>Rank: 5/ 550 people (Very Competitive)
GPA: 4.7 (out of 4 due to weighting)
Class load: hardest possible no doubt!
ACT: 29 ( I know, I know. This is my WEAKEST point. I am seriously working my butt off this summer. I am studying daily, have resorted to help from a tutor, and hope to raise this score to at least a 31-32 by Sept.) </p>

<p>ECs: </p>


<p>Editor-in-chief of School Paper - first junior to become one in a long time, I am absolutely certain that the newspaper advisor will write me a first class recommendation. I am also the first EIC to serve for two years in a row! </p>

<p>Question: Our school paper won a national award from Columbia University (silver crown) during my time this year as EIC, is something I should mention? This award is not directed to me specifically but more to our entire paper. I think it's appealing as it is an award recognizing the top few papers internationally and is from Columbia itself. </p>

<p>Founder and manager of newspaper website </p>

<p>Awarded Outstanding web-designer by IU </p>

<p>Write for other community papers as well, including our cultural one.</p>

<p>Many essay competition awards; won 1st place in state for a newspaper article I wrote. That same article won 4th place nationally at another competition (which I will not list here for security reasons as you can easily look me up) </p>

<p>Wrote an inspirational children's book on meditation - this will be published internationally (on Amazon) in approx. three weeks and is also going to be available at many local bookstores throughout the state. (this is honestly and personally one of my most special accomplishments!) </p>


<p>History Fair 3rd Place in State/Metro scholarship Winner/ National Qualifier (Alternate) </p>

<p>History Fair Executive Director's award for Superior History </p>

<p>Internship at congressman office summer before junior year </p>

<p>Attended Illini Girls State</p>


<p>Founder/President of an Indian community service council for students (we help out at various community festivals, represent the youth, currently planning a cultural show and a trip abroad to India)
***Currently collaborating to make this an "international student" effort meaning students of all cultures create a joint effort. </p>

<p>State Cultural Pageant winner (first runner up) and miss talent </p>


<p>500+ volunteer service hours through hospital volunteering (the usual lol), tutoring, after school enrichment program helping for younger children, etc. etc. </p>

<p>Math Honor Society President</p>

<p>Founder and manager of MHS website (to submit service hours, updates on events, etc) </p>

<p>National Honor Society </p>

<p>French Honor Society </p>

<p>DECA state winner</p>

<p>I have several other ECs but I feel that these are my main ones and the ones that I am most proud to be involved in! However, as you can see my goal was to essentially divide my interests in three areas: writing/publishing, Politics/History, Indian Culture. Then of course, this is all accompanied by the usual honor societies and community service. </p>

<p>While I sincerely hope I can increase my ACT score by September (hopefully I am a lucky gal on Sept. 12) as I have this as my biggest commitment for the summer, I would like you to evaluate my chances for this fall!</p>

<p>Recommendations – My counselor especially told me I am her “top junior” and will receive a “stellar” recommendation, and I am certain that the same will apply to my Newspaper Advisor/English teacher who has seen megrow extensively since freshman year. Also, would it be advisable to receive some sort of letter confirming the legitimacy of my internship at the Congressman’s office? I don’t want to give off any sort of impression that it was received through connections and whatnot since it most certainly was not! </p>

<p>Thanks for your advice!</p>

<p>i think u should add the award for the paper especially if you were editor in chief at the time. as for your chances your rank helps since penn loves that, but your act needs some help, have you looked at the sat, maybe try a practice test, some people do better on it compared to the act</p>

<p>Sorry realized my title didn’t specify I was interested in PENN…yeah I really am hesitant to try the SAT since I’ve been studying for the ACT all along and then given the amount of time I have, if I chose to take the SAT now, then I would have to take sat II’s along with that for many of the schools I am considering and I don’t think I will have time to complete all that testing…</p>

<p>Do you think its entirely impossible with ED to get into PENN with a 29? I hope I do improve come september though…</p>

<p>Eh, get the ACT up, and you’re golden for Early Decision. Good luck, man!! I was going for ED SEAS, but parents want to consider other financial aid offers :(</p>

<p>Thanksss. other suggestions?</p>

<p>Glad you loved it :slight_smile: I hope it loves you back! Publishing the book is way cool. I hope it’s available in India. Penn FTW!</p>

<p>bumppp please!</p>

<p>You gotta get the ACT up, keep studying. If you were legacy you might squeak by with a 29. Everything else looks great. Even try the SAT just to see if you can score higher. Definitely retake the ACT, and apply Early Decision – good luck!</p>

<p>Any other opinions?! I just took the ACT yesterday…cross your fingers for me =(</p>

<p>Alright. Got my ACT score in hand. It’s a 30…not including essay whihc hasnt come in yet, but usually essay scores are around 11 range so it usually helps me.</p>

<p>Should I still attempt ED or is this still a lost case due to the score?</p>

<p>You’re ACT is lower than average, but not terrible. Everything else looks perfect. You seem really interested in Penn, and I think you can show that on your app. I say go for it and be as sincere as possible in the essays… Tell them EXACTLY why you want Penn. Good luck.</p>