Chances for external transfer to UT from ACC - Advertising


I am applying to the University of Texas - Moody for Advertising for Fall 2019 as an external transfer from ACC. I am wondering what my chances are for being accepted.

I will have 30 hours and 4.0 GPA. I will also have at least 3 LORs from local attorneys as I am a legal assistant (4 years experience) and I am going to ask one of my professors as well. I do not have any EC. My essays should be very good to excellent. I am also in the Honors program at ACC w/ two honors classes (Speech and English II)

Would having my second choice as a COLA major be beneficial to transfer internally to Advertising at a later time?

A 4.0 GPA is definitely competitive, since you can’t go any higher than that. I would say you have a good shot. That still doesn’t guarantee anything, so be sure to keep back up options, including Texas A&M just in case.