chances for friend

<p>for CAS</p>

<p>3.34 unweighted : (
4.0 weighted</p>

<p>1520/1600 SAT
800 crit/720 math
subjects: lit: 750
US history: 660</p>

<p>half hispanic/half asian
national hispanic scholar</p>

<p>writing award and various other awards which i dont want to mention on here
ap psych/spanish: 5
phys: 1</p>

<p>should be great essays, he's a fantastic writer</p>

<p>he wants to know if he should bother applying</p>

<p>unlikely, even with the URM push.</p>

<p>I would suggest he apply anyways, you can never know, but CAS looks highly at GPA and his is just not up to snuff.</p>

<p>WHT!!, no he is a match, Cornell is prbly a low match but still definitely apply… get good recs and a good first sem senior yr gpa… and he is proper match!!</p>

<p>a match with a 3.34 gpa?</p>

<p>You do realize that 88% of Cornell was in the top 10% of their class?</p>

<p>If you were looking at one of the other colleges that are less strict about GPA I might say you had a better chance. But CAS, because of its all-purpose nature, cares much more about statistical measures than some of the other colleges.</p>

<p>Once again, I would still suggest applying; his SATs are on par. But such a low GPA with such a high SAT and mediocre AP scores gives ME the impression he is lazy.</p>

<p>What’s with the 1 on the Physics AP?</p>

<p>^^ he’s in top 10%
his trouble was in math. horrible math grades</p>

<p>5/5/4/4/4/1 - those are mediocre AP scores, even without the ap physics score?</p>

<p>A 3.34 is not caused by 1 bad math grade. And his semi-high Math SAT demonstrates his capabilities in math.</p>

<p>And yes, those are mediocre AP scores.</p>

<p>he got Cs in all his math classes though…i think?</p>

<p>okay thanks a lot for your input : )</p>

<p>yes apply!!</p>

<p>woah chendrix, two 5s and three 4s and you barely consider those mediocre? now i know those scores aren’t up to CC standards but i would hardly say they’re poor.</p>

<p>what would you consider decent or good? all 5s?</p>

<p>Yes. Maybe one or two 4s would be acceptable. But more 4s than 5s and a 1? Hardly high caliber.</p>

<p>2 5s
3 4s
and a 1</p>

<p>Besides the 1, those are pretty good, although not necessarily high caliber for Cornell. But throw in the 1, and you have an issue.</p>

<p>I think AP scores are good (except the 1). He should be a match, in my opinion, though the GPA doesn’t look great, the SAT score brings him back up. Do you know what his class rank/percentile is?</p>

<p>definitely try. I dont think those ap scores will affect you very positively or negatively. Well just see whether the essays/urm/sats will outweigh the disadvantages of a low gpa. He is still top 10% anyways, so why not try.</p>