Chances for GE and questions for transferring from US to GE

<p>Hi. What are my chances for getting into tech for GE? I want to go into computer science. (Aced APCS junior year, physics teacher is going to write a really nice rec and talk about how I would make Java programs to complete the labs we did) </p>

<p>GPA (weighted as of the end of junior year): 3.67
SAT: 1930
-Club Editor for the school Key Club
-Publicity Director for Secular Students Alliance
-Co-founder of the engineering club
-Section leader for HS choir (and some other stuff like being in the district chorus, music honors society, etc.)
-Every year I've taken a summer course since getting free lunch basically means I can take them for 95% discount (geometry, spanish III, personal finance)</p>

<p>Hooks: Hispanic, first-generation, financially poor, and a decent writer so my essays will be nice</p>

<p>Senior schedule
-Calc AB (Easy A; wish I took BC haha but oh well), AP Physx B , AP Gov, AP Lit, Ap Econ, Singers, Film Studies</p>

<p>Another question, how exactly should I go about transferring from university studies to GE for CS?
I anticipate a rejection from GE as my grades are about a B range (even classes like gym I got a B in haha) and I didn't start challenging myself much until junior year. So far what I get is that I need to:
-Take some kind of class the summer prior to going to tech at a community college (I guess something that is equivalent to enge 1024?)
-Tailor my schedule a certain way (exactly how?)</p>

<p>What I want to avoid is having to take a 5th year to graduate, and I'd also like to know the difficulty/success rate of taking this route</p>

<p>US and GE - I thought you were asking some esoteric question about transferring from the United States to Germany for academic purposes!</p>

<p>University Studies to General Engineering - there are many threads discussing this issue. </p>

<p>If your math SAT is high the College of Engineering might take a chance on you initially otherwise your chances are highest for University Studies. </p>

<p>Step 1: Apply to College of Engineering with second choice University Studies</p>

<p>Step 2: Await decision</p>

<p>Step 3: If accepted, take as many first year courses as specified by either General Engineering program or by University Studies.</p>

<p>Step 4: Check grade status. This will determine whether you want to stay in Engineering or whether you can transfer in from University Studies. If you were accepted into University Studies the local community college does offer an on-line class that is equivalent to the first general engineering course - check threads for details.</p>

<p>It doesn’t appear that you have AP credit for CS so I’d definitely take the required 1xxx level intro CS course that is required for engineering majors. If you find that you hate the class then re-assess your degree plans.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>There are lots of students who transfer from US to GE. If you do end up in US, you will have the chance to work with advisors from US and let them know you want to do GE from day 1. </p>

<p>They’ll try to get you in as many classes as possible on the engineering track. But since you won’t be in GE, some classes will not be guaranteed to you as they are restricted, or will just get full of students who are in a major that requires it.</p>

<p>Taking classes at a community college during your freshman year or over the summers are easy ways to stay on track and not have to avoid a 5th year. There are a decent number of students who take classes at New River CC at the mall in Christiansburg. You could even wait until the summer after your freshman year for classes you can’t get into while you’re in US.</p>

<p>Do as the others suggested. Your GPA seems a little low but I am not sure if that is weighted or not. You didn’t mention the breakdown on the SAT’s…math scores will be very important. Good Luck</p>