Hi, I was wondering about my chances for admissions to graduate school for a PhD in chemistry. I’m aiming for more prestigious schools (UC Berkeley, CalTech, Scripps, Princeton, etc.). I’m mainly worried about my GPA while I think my research experience is good. My ultimate goal is to pursue professorship and tenure.
Major GPA: 3.6
Overall GPA: 3.6
Research Experience: 2 years in my current institution, 1 year at my old community college. I have a first-author publications in a low-impact journal and may be working on my next project next semester (depending on my school’s COVID-19 policies). I have no publications from my old community college, but I gave two oral presentations and one poster presentation at various conferences/symposiums.
I received three grants (interdeparmental) to perform summer research throughout my undegrad career.
My current PI is well-known/respected in his field, and I want to pursue this same field in my graduate studies. My publication is also in this field.
GRE: I will take the general and subject GRE’s. I expect to do average but may do better. I am unsure about the importance of these scores to my application.
Miscellaneous: I am an underrepresented minority (not sure whether that is relevant in admissions). I’m also applying for a scholarship from the American Chemical Society.