chances for harvard, MIT, stanford...

<p>MIT is really weird in admission i hear.</p>

....and you were born in bangladesh and lived in australia. that is REALLY unique and will make u stand out a lot.


<p>Why does the above make him stand out? Isn't it just his background information. That's ALL?</p>

<p>Nobody can make a fair assesment on you unless they are admissions staff. just apply and see.</p>

<p>more importantly, even with your stats ivy leagues, stanford and mit/caltech are risky for even THE BEST students. Scores dont define if you get in, they only define if you have a shot </p>

<p>I know plenty of people with diverse traveling, 4.0 GPAs and even 2400 who got straight out denied. Unless you are hooked its roll of the dice on how they percieve you/quotas/ how many people are just like you.</p>

<p>MIT and CAltech also love people who do research. Have you done any?</p>