Chances for Harvard University (and other Ivies)?

I apologize in advance for how long this post seems.

Realistically I’m not expecting to get into Harvard but I’ve been inspired to apply since two alumni from one of the schools in my county both were accepted and the financial aid is amazing. (Plus it’s a perfect fit for everything I want in a college.)

I’m a rising senior with an unweighted GPA of 3.988 as of the Fall semester of 2015-2016. My weighted was a 4.65.
There’s nothing too special about my class breakdown from previous years. At my school biology is a sophomore course but I ended up taking it freshman year along with earth and environmental science so I’ve been ahead for all of my science courses. The rest of my classes are as follows:

Freshman year:
Honors Math 2, Honors Earth and Environmental, Honors Biology, Honors English 9, Honors World History, Band, PE

Sophomore year:
Honors Math 3, Honors Chemistry, Honors English 10, Honors Civics and Economics, Band, Drafting 1, Honors Psychology (online)

The summer between sophomore year and junior year I completed French 1 online.

Junior year:
AP Biology, AP English 11, American History 1 Honors, Band, French 2 (online), Honors Pre-calculus

This summer (between junior and senior year) I’m completing Honors French 3 online.

Current senior year class schedule:
Honors American History 2, AP Calculus, AP English 4, Physics (at the community college in my town), Band, Mandarin Chinese 1 online (and hopefully 2)

My current class rank is 1/270.

My SAT (new) score was 1350 and I’m currently trying to decide if I want to retake it. My ACT score was 32. Both of these accomplished with no prep so I may retake to see how much I can improve my SAT score. I took the Chemistry and Biology M subject tests and I’m waiting for scores.

As for ECs:
Marching Band (4 years/I play multiple instruments)
Quiz Bowl (began in middle school and helped found my current high school team)
National Honor Society
Horseback riding (4 years) (Currently on a break due to health issues)
Volunteer at a therapy riding barn as well as raising money for them
Volunteer at my town’s library in the children’s department
Competed at Skills USA State Competition (2 years, will be 3 after senior year)
Drafting Club (4 years)

Other things:
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: East Asian Studies (concentration in Chinese language)
My essay writing is decent and when completing my senior project my grader, who has worked at the school for many, many years, said that it was the best essay he’s read in terms of senior papers.

My grades dipped slightly this past year but not by much. I accomplished all A’s and maybe a B+ since I’m still waiting a final report card. I’ve been dealing with chronic pain since 7th grade and this past school year has been one of the hardest for me to complete due to the pain becoming widespread and I missed a lot of school due to doctors appointments and physical therapy. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for a diagnosis but it is probable that I have an autoimmune disease which will eventually count me as physically disabled.

In all honesty, I’m not impressive but I’ve done the best with what my small county offers and that’s what counts I guess. I’m not expecting much but many of my teachers have encouraged me to apply as well as the recent Harvard graduate from my county. Any input is appreciated.

GPA fine, although not the best course rigor. Test scores are very low. Very average ECs. Definitely make a balanced list.

What are you passionate about? Harvard and other top schools want students who really care about something. Discover your passion, pursue it, paint it in your essays, let it shine through in your application. That’s the only way anyone ever gets into Harvard. :slight_smile:

If those were your test scores on first try, you definitely need to retake ASAP. As DeeperBlue25 mentioned, you need to find a passion. You want to major in Biomedical Engineering, but none of your extracurriculars have anything to do with that. Also, your course rigor is not very strong with 4 aps