chances for international...?

<p>posting my question on the general thread as well.</p>

<p>I wanted to ask you about my chances, so here goes...
sat/sat 2/toefl scores:
CR - 600
Math - 750
Writing - 610
Math 1 - 740
Math 2 - 780
Physics - 640 (I know it's not that high....)
toefl - 112 (out of 120)
* I know my SAT's are not high but it's the best I could do while still in the army and swamped with projects. after I finished my service it was too late, I barely had time to take the SAT 2 again.</p>

<p>as for school - I graduated in 2006, because I live in Israel I had to enlist to the army for 2 years (finished my service 2 monthes ago tyvm...), my school does not have GPA's, but my average is around 91% while taking the Israeli version for AP classes in math, computers (programming), and english (mostly grammer).
Um... I got great recommendations from my english and physics teachers, and also from my homeroom teacher and class coordinator. I was also in the top 5% in Israel for my graduating class (got a letter from the Israeli minister of education to prove it), and in my school's top 5%.
As for ExtraCurricular:
I took summer courses in Tel Aviv University when I was 16 (3 courses - political thought, international relationships and SPSS), spent 4 years in the school choir (sorry if I spelled that wrong!!), took part of the 9th grade advanced math program (open for 9th grade only), and my school's physics mentors for the 11th grade (bunch of kids mentoring 9th graders while making physics a lot more fun).
Oh, I forgot to add on my first post, I was in my school's yearbook committee and took part of my graduating class' graduating show.
During my army service I volunteered at children's centers and a boarding school for problematic teenagers.</p>

<p>I had my interview 2 monthes ago and I had a good feeling afterwards because some things my interviewer said, help me decipher them please?
At first he asked me if anybody else contacted me from Yale because he was told to "notice me" and that I "caught some attention", afterwards he mentioned my essays (??) and asked me about it's subject (my 2nd essay, which I wrote purely in the spur of the moment about my love of writing and exciting things), and said a couple of times during the interview that he really likes me (yay.... a whole lot better experience from my MIT interview!!).</p>

<p>Well, sorry for blabbing, do you think I even have a shot??
thanks anyway!!!!</p>

<p>You very well might! Scores are NOT everything. Hang in there, and hope for the best. Good luck.</p>

<p>Your CR and writing scores maaay be a little on the low side in comparison with other applicants but I think your experience since high school makes you a much more interesting one. If I was an adcom I’d definitely consider you, providing your essays are good :)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>hmmm… so you say my army service might come to my advantage?
hope so… i didn’t work all day for 2 years for nothing!!! (released as a sargent)</p>

<p>sorry… sergeant</p>

<p>Without your army service your chances would be significantly less. But I think that your service could make you more appealing. Who wouldn’t want an Israeli special forces with those sick moves at Yale?</p>

<p>lol… my special move - yelling at aggressive teens at the recruitment office…
but i can handle my m-16 and crawl in wet sand (been there and done that. it is a great body scrub by the way!)
but my brother taught me a bit of krav maga (like how to punch someone good and flip him)</p>

<p>That’s intense.</p>

<p>If we both get into Yale do share ;p</p>

<p>sure no problem, i can also share my awesome microsoft office skills with you.</p>

<p>your ethnicity and war experiences bring diversity. your essays and recs should be good enough.
you shall be well</p>