Chances for my last options - UCs

UC - Berkeley, Sandiego, LA, Davis, Santa Barbara

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT (Computer science major) Apply for Financial Aid? No

Gender: Male
Race: Indian
Country: Qatar
Income Bracket: 100,000 - 110,000$/year

GPA: We don’t have GPAs in our curriculum but we’re expected to send our predicted score. Regardless, i’m a straight A student. My predicted aggregate score is 93.5%, every subject is 90%+

SAT I : 740M 590R 690W
SAT II: 780 Math 2
IELTS : Bandscore 8

Class rank: Not usually given my school, but in common app 4 out of 44


President, VP and Head of IT, and founded the first MUN of our school. Active member for 4 years.
President and VP of local Gavel Club. Active member for 4 years.
Varsity Basketball - Captain for 1 year, Player for 3 years.Won 2nd position in the country level competition twice.
Varsity Handball - Vice-Captain for 1 year, player for 1 year. Champion for the country level competition (Qualified to play in the India National level tournament) and Won 4th position in the country level competition once.
School swimming team. Multiple positions in multiple categories.
School track and field team. 2nd and 3rd position in intra-school high jump competition.
School deputy head boy and house captain
School robotics team for 1 year - placed 5th in Qatar.
7 years of karate training, obtained a diploma in Karate from the Japanese Karate Federation. Much more, these are the notable ones.
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Silver level

80 hours in local hospital
26 hours in the local daycare center

So far i’ve got rejected by GaTech, UMich and UIUC so these are my last options.
I’ve gotten a Letter of Recommendation request from UC Berkeley. I submitted 2, one from my principal and one from my math teacher who is also the head of the math department. Both LORs are amazing

The UCs are incredibly competitive for OOS. The recommendation means you weren’t flat rejected, which is good. However, I’d say that the top UCs will be similarly competitive to Umich. I’d guesss that you get rejectd from LA, Berkeley, and San Diego. You’re possible at Davis and SB, but those might be comparable to Umich or UIUC. That SAT R is probably what’s really hurting you, everything else looks good, although they might think that your positions mean less in a smaller school. Good luck regardless.