chances for out of state

<p>GPA- 4.2 UW (+.5 honors, +1 AP), 3.9 UW (all A's except 2 B's in APs)
SAT- CR 710, M 710, W 650 (9 essay)
All Honors, 2 APs, 2 Planned APs (senior year)
2 Varsity sports 4 years each (football, baseball)
Class Pres, Student body VP, NJHS Pres, NHS VP, Boys State
Academic team, Math team, Latin team
Part time job 2 years</p>

<p>OK, what are the chances from out of state. Where are the holes. Is it harder to get in from out of state? No legacy. No interest in continuing sports except intramural would be fun. Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>Tough to tell. Your grades and leadership look great though. I have no idea about the SAT since I didn't have to take the new one. Maybe a 50/50 chance.</p>

<p>more like 96%</p>

<p>you shouldnt have a problem, but god knows how much harder it will get next year..just be prepared</p>

<p>Yeah, I didn't get in coming out of high school. I had to work my butt off in college. Thank goodness it paid off! I'm an out-of-stater too, so I was worried. You need to convince them of your strong desire to attend. I think that since I applied the year before it helped a lot.</p>

<p>Check this out:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>haha... 50-50 my chalk white ass</p>