Chances for Pepperdine?

<p>GPA: 3.92 UW (taken a few APs and honors, at my school you can't even take any APs until junior year, still waiting on test results)
SAT: 2080 (780 writing, 660 reading, 640 math)
Extracurriculurs: National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, President of Junior Orthopedic Guild, 3 time relay for life participant (once as team captain), Spanish tutoring, had one part time job for 2 years before quitting and now I have another one, very active in my church/youthgroup including once a month trips to feed the homeless, very involved with YoungLife, member of the cross country team, tons of community service/volunteer hours including a mission trip and volunteering at Children's Hospital. </p>

<p>After having visited Pepperdine I really feel like I could see myself there and although some of the policies may be stricter than I would like it is my number 1 by far at the moment. I know its really expensive but my Dad is willing and able to pay the $55K/year (although I would feel better if I could help him out by getting some merit aid).</p>

<p>Pepperdine is a really easy collage to get into, you will accepted for sure, and about the 55k a year do not worry about it, my friend got accepted to papperdine with a 3.8 UW GPA and little EXCA. altought the ticket price is 55k you will mostly be paying about 40-46k and if your family earns less then 38k a year you will probably be paying about 20k! that what she is paying.</p>

<p>You have a very good shot at Pepperdine.</p>

<p>Thank you both, I thought I’d have a pretty good shot but after my visit I went to a prospective student event in my city and they kept emphasizing how Pepperdine gets more selective each year, and they went down from like 40% acceptance in 2009 to 29% in 2011 so I was getting a little nervous. But now I’m feeling better.</p>

<p>Excellent chances. Best of luck!</p>