Chances for RD CAS


<p>SAT: 2130 [730V 660M 740W (12/12 essay)]
ACT: 31 [33E 30M 35R 27S 31 (9/12 essay)]
SAT IIs: Literature-700, US History-660, Math I-640
GPA: 3.7 uw/3.9w
Rank: N/A
AP: 4 on US History, Government and Lit to come this spring</p>


<p>Essays: very solid, and creative
Teacher Recs: excellent
Counselor Rec: good
Hook (if any): Wrote and produced a DVD on a civil rights incident that happened in my hometown in 1961. I interviewed several people from across the South who were involved.</p>


<p>State: AL
School Type: private (U.S. National School of Excellence)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: male</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: </p>

<p>National Honor Society (Treasurer)
French National Honor Society (Vice President)
Student Government:
*Class President (9, 12)
*SGA Secretary/Treasurer (10)
*SGA Vice President (11)
Debate Team:
*Plethora of solid performances listed (LD Debate)
*1st Alternate to Nationals
*Created the team freshman year
*President of the team all four years
School Newspaper:
*Writer (9-11)
*Editor-in-Chief (12)
Youth in Government:
*List of various awards state-wide
*Proposal adopted by the Conference on National Affairs
Varsity Tennis (9-12)</p>

<p>Other academic programs:</p>

<p>Duke Talent Identification Program- Duke Campus (9-11), Wake Forest campus (12)
National Youth Forum on Law (Washington DC, 10)</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>YMCA- tutoring underprivileged students
Soup Bowl- Meal Server</p>

<p>Additonal Comments: I'm taking the SAT I again in January, and expect to do better. </p>

<p>Thanks, I appreciate it.</p>

<p>you're one of those, bright, well-rounded kids that has a shot at any school in the country. however, that means little when the acceptances start rolling in. I'd say you have a good shot at Cornell.</p>

<p>AL? In. (10 ch)</p>

<p>for RD, you definitely got a good shot.</p>

<p>wow. LOTS of leadership shown. your DVD isnt the hook, being from AL is LOL. i say in too .</p>