Chances for the Mazta!

<p>How are my general chances for UCs looking (UCSB and up).</p>

<p>Minority Male from California</p>

<p>GPA-3.86 unweighted, 4.1 weighted
Rank: Top 10%</p>

<p>SAT-2150 </p>

<p>ACT-Will take in Oct</p>

<p>SAT IIs- Bio:740, World History: 670, taking more in November</p>

<p>Sophomore-Took the only two weighted classes availible to me (1 AP World History, 2 honors (Chem and English). </p>

<p>Junior-All core subjects, PreCalc, Us History, Sociology, Psychology, English 11, Couldn’t take any AP’s or honors because school i moved to did not have them, and i was at a sports academy, i did however take a CC class at night in Biology.</p>

<p>3 on my Ap world history, had an A+ in the class though -_-… nerves.</p>

<p>Senior- Taking college level Calculus, and College level Physics, Brit Lit, and other core classes. However, the college level classes do not show up as weighted or anything because of school regulations.</p>


<h1>1 On Varsity Tennis Freshman and Sophomore years</h1>

<p>Junior year at tennis academy.
Made it to individual semifinals at California State sectionals
Top 30 Norcal Tennis Boys 12,14 and 16
Attended 3 day program on dental implants/with live procedure</p>

<p>Community service:-200+ hours Working with Red Cross in several leadership positions and also volunteering at local library, and also in a dental office</p>

<p>Awards/Honors: -
-Academic Letter
CSF Award 2 years
Block B- 3.8 Gpa +extracurricular activity</p>

<p>I have very good essays relating to my love of tennis and my struggle of balancing sports and study.
I might of forgot ALOT of things, but chance me for all the UC’s anyway.</p>

<p>ANY help here!!! -_-</p>

<p>Any members want to answer my question…</p>


<p>double bump…“__”</p>

<p>What is your UC gpa? that will help alot in chancing you
But from what ive seen, I think youre in at SB, D, I for sure
SD looks like a match
You didnt say if you were or werent in elc, that would really boost your chances if you were in it.
B and LA really evaluate EC’s so i think they would be reaches considering your GPA and SAT; its not that your EC’s arent good, ive just seen many others rejected with amazing EC’s
(Last time i checked, the AVERAGE student applying to LA had a 4.0 and 2000 SAT)</p>

<p>Thanks for your input. My uc gpa is 4.2 I believe. Yea i know i can probably get into UCD and UCSD, but considering my essays and some of the awards left out, i believe Ucb is a definite possibility. Thanks so much for the help!!! Any others are welcome to answer ;)</p>

<p>How is your UW GPA 3.86 and your UC GPA 4.2 if you have only taken 2 weighted classes and 1 CC class? You should double-check that by getting an official transcript from your counselor. I don’t understand how you can take “college” level classes in high school, but your HS doesn’t list them as Honors or AP classes. Make sure you indicate somewhere on your application on how you were limited to a few Honors and AP classes. I think you’re in for all UC’s up to UCSD. UCB and UCLA are a slight reach, but then again, they are for most people. Unless you are going to write essays “relating to your love of tennis and my struggle of balancing sports and study” with completely new and unique angles, I’d try and steer clear of those topics. It’s not that it isn’t a good topic, but I’m sure many will write about the same or similar things. Try to be original with your essay topics. Good luck to the both us! :]</p>

<p>Hey, thanks for the help :). Yea i checked my transcript and my high school said they gave extra points for honors because they are accredited to the extra points for those classes. I am definitely working on my essays and making them as personal and unique as possible. I think its getting there. I’m glad to hear my chances are that high given my circumstances. Thanks alot people!</p>