Chances for UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara?


I was wondering if you all would be kind enough to chance me for UCI and UCSB.
UC GPA: 4.0
Unweighted GPA: 3.5
SAT: Total 1290, R+W 750, M 540
AP Scores: English Language: 5 U.S. History: 5 Biology: 4 Statistics: 2

Extracurriculars: I have volunteered extensively at a food pantry for four years; I am there almost every weekend. Additionally, I am part of a group that mentors new freshman and I also tutor in writing.

Major: At UC Irvine, I would be majoring in Education Sciences with a concentration in English Language Learning, and at UC Santa Barbara I would major in English with a minor in Educational Studies.

I am also wondering if I might be given a bit more consideration because I am a foster youth who has had to overcome difficult circumstances to achieve what I have, and I have reached out to the foster youth coordinators at several UC campuses to put myself out there.

Thank you all so much!

Both schools would probably be a Match-High Match schools. You will not get preferential consideration for your difficult circumstances as an applicant unless you specifically address this in your essays which then should have a positive impact.

Good luck and as always make sure you have a few more Match and Safety schools on your list.

I don’t know about preferential consideration for admission but I know that the UC campuses have counselors that work with kids with similar special circumstances. I hire a lot of students straight out of college and I was contacted by a counselor from one of the UCs to find out if I would offer an internship to a foster youth who was going into their junior year. The student came in for an interview and worked in my office over summer break. The student still has no idea that the counselor called on her behalf.

You have a very solid shot at both. Since they can both be finicky, please apply more broadly. Perhaps add UCR and SDSU to your list.

I will definitely be mentioning my experiences in my essays and I’ll be applying to some backup schools. Thank you for the advice!

You can a good chance of getting into both. I had similar SAT and a slightly GPA and got into both this year! Good luck :slight_smile: but like what others said, I would highly suggest you to apply to some backup schools. I would add UCSC to the list.